House Votes to Ban Permanent Military Bases in Iraq


Will work for Scooby snacks
Good. We're a republic, not an empire. Plus, this perception fuels, in part, the insurgency

House bans permanent bases in Iraq.

Today, the House passed a bill stating “it is the policy of the United States not to establish any military installation or base for the purpose of providing a permanent stationing of United States Armed Forces in Iraq.” Speaker Pelosi explained that “today’s vote can again make clear to the President, to the Administration, to the American people, to the people in the Middle East, to the people in Iraq — that the American people are opposed to a permanent military presence in Iraq.”
BET me? No, if he signs it, he is admitting defeat, and he won't do that until he is forced to. It too will be vetoed.
I don't think so. It has been expressed many times by the Administration that there is no plan for a permanent military presense in Iraq. He will have to sign the law.

Pelosi forgot to mention the 400m++++ for the building of a Air Base...and super State department facility in Iraq...political posturing at it's best!