Houston, we have a problem.


Texas Voters Get NASTY Surprise After Casting Ballot For Trump

Early voting is underway in numerous states and already people are having issues.

Take Texas, for instance, where residents in at least two different counties are reporting problems with the electronic voting machines that have replaced traditional paper ballots.

In Amarillo, a woman said that she tried to vote straight-ticket Republican but was shocked as she watched the machine magically change her ballot to Clinton/Kaine, and that was just the start.

“Gary and I went to early vote today…I voted a straight Republican ticket and as I scrolled to submit my ballot I noticed that the*Republican Straight ticket was highlighted, however, the clinton/kaine box was also highlighted!” wrote Lisa Houlette.

I tried to go back and change and could not get it to work. I asked for help from one of the workers and she couldn’t get it to go back either,” she added. “It took a second election person to get the machine to where I could correct the vote to a straight ticket.”

Houlette warned others to keep a close eye on the machines before submitting their vote.
It wasn’t only Amarillo reporting problems either. In Arlington, Shandy Clark said she had a family member experience something similar, and when they confronted the poll workers about it, they were told it’s been happening pretty often with other people as well.

“I had a family member that voted this morning and she voted straight Republican,” Clark wrote. “She checked before she submitted and the vote had changed to Clinton!”

“She reported it and made sure her vote was changed back,” she continued. “They commented that it had been happening.”

Meanwhile, reports have been surfacing of other instances of votes being switched throughout the state. A Redditor said he’s been seeing on social media where similar instances have occurred when people vote straight-ticket for Republicans.

Also, when confronted about potential fraud, Director of Elections Keith Ingram pretty much ran away from an InfoWars reporter rather than answer any questions. While he didn’t necessarily do anything wrong, his behavior was definitely shady, at best:

Oh, and then there’s this, which “fact-checking” websites like Snopes says doesn’t happen:

The bottom line is that when you vote, check and then double check your ballot is exactly the way you want it to be. Even if it’s only incidental that the machines are switching votes (ironically, it always seems to be from Republican to Democrat), you still wouldn’t want to accidentally cast a ballot for the wrong candidate, especially with so much riding on this election.
Texas Voters Get NASTY Surprise After Casting Ballot For Trump

Early voting is underway in numerous states and already people are having issues.

Take Texas, for instance, where residents in at least two different counties are reporting problems with the electronic voting machines that have replaced traditional paper ballots.

In Amarillo, a woman said that she tried to vote straight-ticket Republican but was shocked as she watched the machine magically change her ballot to Clinton/Kaine, and that was just the start.

“Gary and I went to early vote today…I voted a straight Republican ticket and as I scrolled to submit my ballot I noticed that the*Republican Straight ticket was highlighted, however, the clinton/kaine box was also highlighted!” wrote Lisa Houlette.

I tried to go back and change and could not get it to work. I asked for help from one of the workers and she couldn’t get it to go back either,” she added. “It took a second election person to get the machine to where I could correct the vote to a straight ticket.”

Houlette warned others to keep a close eye on the machines before submitting their vote.
It wasn’t only Amarillo reporting problems either. In Arlington, Shandy Clark said she had a family member experience something similar, and when they confronted the poll workers about it, they were told it’s been happening pretty often with other people as well.

“I had a family member that voted this morning and she voted straight Republican,” Clark wrote. “She checked before she submitted and the vote had changed to Clinton!”

“She reported it and made sure her vote was changed back,” she continued. “They commented that it had been happening.”

Meanwhile, reports have been surfacing of other instances of votes being switched throughout the state. A Redditor said he’s been seeing on social media where similar instances have occurred when people vote straight-ticket for Republicans.

Also, when confronted about potential fraud, Director of Elections Keith Ingram pretty much ran away from an InfoWars reporter rather than answer any questions. While he didn’t necessarily do anything wrong, his behavior was definitely shady, at best:

Oh, and then there’s this, which “fact-checking” websites like Snopes says doesn’t happen:

The bottom line is that when you vote, check and then double check your ballot is exactly the way you want it to be. Even if it’s only incidental that the machines are switching votes (ironically, it always seems to be from Republican to Democrat), you still wouldn’t want to accidentally cast a ballot for the wrong candidate, especially with so much riding on this election.

It's all rigged,Ma'am.
Will you take up arms and join the racist revolution when Trumpf loses YUUUUUUUUUGE in Texas?
And then to be fair and unbiased:

NAACP gets reports of problems with electronic voting machines in New Hanover County

The North Carolina Chapter of the NAACP says it has received reports that electronic voting machines “may have malfunctioned” in New Hanover and at least four other counties, and is calling on state and county elections officials*“to make efficient and effective remedies to maintain confidence and trust in the elections."

Rev. Kojo Nantambu, the Director of Religious Emphasis Advocacy for the state NAACP, said three individuals have expressed concerns about the voting machines in New Hanover County. All three used one-stop voting at the Government Center on Saturday, October 22.
According to Nantambu, one individual pushed the screen to vote for Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. When the voter reviewed her ballot, she saw the machine had checked the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.

The second voter informed Nantambu she had pressed the screen to vote for a Democratic candidate, and the check on the screen went to the Republican candidate. The third individual had not yet provided Nantambu the information on his concern.

NC NAACP officials said that in the instances of which they are aware, voters have been able to fix the problem before submitting their vote.
"The machine is not working and people are voting on it,” said Nantambu. “That's just as bad as suppressing the vote, because the vote is not counting properly."

According to Derek Bowens, elections director for New Hanover County, each touch-screen machine (iVotronic) at each site goes through a thorough calibration process at the beginning of each morning, and any machine that experiences a problem is removed from rotation until the issue*has been resolved.

Bowens said that voters have two opportunities*to resolve an issue*before casting their ballot:
1, If a voter notices an issue with the accuracy of their selections, they should notify an election official so the ballot*can be cancelled and the machine re-calibrated.

2, Each iVotronic machine allows voters to go through a contest-by-contest review before casting their ballot. If a voter notices an issue during the review, an election official*should be notified immediately.

Nantambu said the NAACP is planning a news conference in Wilmington on Tuesday afternoon, around 4:15 p.m., and is working to have one of the individuals present to speak about the issue. Representatives also are working to have signed affidavits from the individuals at the news conference.

In a letter to the State Board of Elections on Monday, the NAACP said it has also received reports of malfunctioning machines in Cumberland, Iredell, Mecklenburg and Catawba counties. *Dr. William Barber, the president of the NC NAACP, requested state elections officials work with county officials on the problem.

“As an initial stopgap for this problem, we have requested that the State Board of Elections immediately provide all County Board of Elections that use electronic machines with (1) new signage that can be placed at all stations that reminds voters to check and confirm choices using the review screen before submitting your ballot and (2) offers voters the opportunity to use a regular paper ballot if the machine is malfunctioning,” Barber said in a statement contained in an email news release. “Where a County Board does not have a paper ballot back-up available, we ask that the SBOE immediately help to rectify that.”*

Bowens added that it is illegal in this state to take images or recordings of voted ballots.
And then this:

CONFIRMED by Experts! Voting Machines in Maryland, Illinois Rigged to Support Democrats

First, it was reported that a Republican candidate running in Chicago, Illinois tried to vote for himself… Only to have the electronic Diebold voting machine cast a vote for his opponent. Unlike paper ballots, computers are only as good as the programmers setting up software, and are always open to the possibility of hackers.

Now, there is more confirmation that Democrats are working with local, partisan board of election bureaucrats to rig machines in the same way. In Maryland, where far-left Gov. Martin O’Malley – a Presidential hopeful – is in charge, it has been comfirmed by experts that Democrats are getting a little extra “help” in the midterm elections:

Voting machines that switch Republican votes to Democrats are being reported in Maryland.
“When I first selected my candidate on the electronic machine, it would not put the ‘x’ on the candidate I chose — a Republican — but it would put the ‘x’ on the Democrat candidate above it,” Donna Hamilton said.

“This happened multiple times with multiple selections. Every time my choice flipped from Republican to Democrat. Sometimes it required four or five tries to get the ‘x’ to stay on my real selection,” the Frederick, Md., resident said last week.

Queen Anne County Sheriff Gary Hofmann said he encountered the problem, too, personally.
“This is happening here as well. It occurred on two candidates on my machine. I am glad I checked. Many voters have reported this here as well,” Hofmann, a Republican, wrote in an email Sunday evening.
Two other Maryland voters reported the same in Anne Arundel County on Friday.

And local election officials are so quick to dismiss the serious concerns of disenfranchised voters:

T]wo voters in Anne Arundel County [, Maryland] experienced the same problem: A Diebold touchscreen voting machine switched their Republican votes to Democrats. The voters had to cancel their votes and start over.

Joe Torre, election director in Anne Arundel, called it a “calibration issue” involving a single machine.
Hamilton said she notified officials of the problem she encountered at the Frederick County Center, where she voted. “I’m not sure what was done about it. If someone is not paying close attention, they could end up voting for the wrong candidate,” she said.

Via Watchdog.org

Isn’t it interesting that “calibration issues” never seem to favor Republicans? Also, “calibration” is more of a term for analog devices… When what we are dealing with here is an actual computer programming issue.

But as a software developer and expert of on touch-screen technology used by the U.S. government told Newsmax, these stories of improper votes is alarming:
“It’s a software issue, and it’s incredibly suspicious that a bug like that could slip through accidentally. It defies belief,” said Tony Heller.

He said that any expert trained in the technology could figure out within minutes whether the problem with the software was accidental and deliberate.

“This is being used by the public for voting. Public trust is essential,” he said. “It’s completely unacceptable that an official waved it off as a calibration issue. It’s something that can be easily verified and should be.”

There is no excuse for allowing partisans to steal the election this way.

Is this a fraud, and are Democrats willing to break many laws to win elections? Please leave us a comment and tell us what you think.
And then this:

CONFIRMED by Experts! Voting Machines in Maryland, Illinois Rigged to Support Democrats

First, it was reported that a Republican candidate running in Chicago, Illinois tried to vote for himself… Only to have the electronic Diebold voting machine cast a vote for his opponent. Unlike paper ballots, computers are only as good as the programmers setting up software, and are always open to the possibility of hackers.

Now, there is more confirmation that Democrats are working with local, partisan board of election bureaucrats to rig machines in the same way. In Maryland, where far-left Gov. Martin O’Malley – a Presidential hopeful – is in charge, it has been comfirmed by experts that Democrats are getting a little extra “help” in the midterm elections:

Voting machines that switch Republican votes to Democrats are being reported in Maryland.
“When I first selected my candidate on the electronic machine, it would not put the ‘x’ on the candidate I chose — a Republican — but it would put the ‘x’ on the Democrat candidate above it,” Donna Hamilton said.

“This happened multiple times with multiple selections. Every time my choice flipped from Republican to Democrat. Sometimes it required four or five tries to get the ‘x’ to stay on my real selection,” the Frederick, Md., resident said last week.

Queen Anne County Sheriff Gary Hofmann said he encountered the problem, too, personally.
“This is happening here as well. It occurred on two candidates on my machine. I am glad I checked. Many voters have reported this here as well,” Hofmann, a Republican, wrote in an email Sunday evening.
Two other Maryland voters reported the same in Anne Arundel County on Friday.

And local election officials are so quick to dismiss the serious concerns of disenfranchised voters:

T]wo voters in Anne Arundel County [, Maryland] experienced the same problem: A Diebold touchscreen voting machine switched their Republican votes to Democrats. The voters had to cancel their votes and start over.

Joe Torre, election director in Anne Arundel, called it a “calibration issue” involving a single machine.
Hamilton said she notified officials of the problem she encountered at the Frederick County Center, where she voted. “I’m not sure what was done about it. If someone is not paying close attention, they could end up voting for the wrong candidate,” she said.

Via Watchdog.org

Isn’t it interesting that “calibration issues” never seem to favor Republicans? Also, “calibration” is more of a term for analog devices… When what we are dealing with here is an actual computer programming issue.

But as a software developer and expert of on touch-screen technology used by the U.S. government told Newsmax, these stories of improper votes is alarming:
“It’s a software issue, and it’s incredibly suspicious that a bug like that could slip through accidentally. It defies belief,” said Tony Heller.

He said that any expert trained in the technology could figure out within minutes whether the problem with the software was accidental and deliberate.

“This is being used by the public for voting. Public trust is essential,” he said. “It’s completely unacceptable that an official waved it off as a calibration issue. It’s something that can be easily verified and should be.”

There is no excuse for allowing partisans to steal the election this way.

Is this a fraud, and are Democrats willing to break many laws to win elections? Please leave us a comment and tell us what you think.

It's all rigged. Will you rise up or lay down and take it?
Wow! Voting machine in Chicago switches Republican votes into Democratic votes

Imagine going to a voting booth and your votes counted towards the other party. This happened to a Chicago state representative during early voting. It was a good thing he noticed it and alerted the election judge.

From Fox News:

CHICAGO — Early voting in Illinois got off to a rocky start Monday, as votes being cast for Republican candidates were transformed into votes for Democrats.

Republican state representative candidate Jim Moynihan went to vote Monday at the Schaumburg Public Library.

“I tried to cast a vote for myself and instead it cast the vote for my opponent,” Moynihan said. “You could imagine my surprise as the same thing happened with a number of races when I tried to vote for a Republican and the machine registered a vote for a Democrat.”

The conservative website Illinois Review reported that “While using a touch screen voting machine in Schaumburg, Moynihan voted for several races on the ballot, only to find that whenever he voted for a Republican candidate, the machine registered the vote for a Democrat in the same race. He notified the election judge at his polling place and demonstrated that it continued to cast a vote for the opposing candidate’s party. Moynihan was eventually allowed to vote for Republican candidates, including his own race.
Texas Voters Get NASTY Surprise After Casting Ballot For Trump

Early voting is underway in numerous states and already people are having issues.

Take Texas, for instance, where residents in at least two different counties are reporting problems with the electronic voting machines that have replaced traditional paper ballots.

In Amarillo, a woman said that she tried to vote straight-ticket Republican but was shocked as she watched the machine magically change her ballot to Clinton/Kaine, and that was just the start.

“Gary and I went to early vote today…I voted a straight Republican ticket and as I scrolled to submit my ballot I noticed that the*Republican Straight ticket was highlighted, however, the clinton/kaine box was also highlighted!” wrote Lisa Houlette.

I tried to go back and change and could not get it to work. I asked for help from one of the workers and she couldn’t get it to go back either,” she added. “It took a second election person to get the machine to where I could correct the vote to a straight ticket.”

Houlette warned others to keep a close eye on the machines before submitting their vote.
It wasn’t only Amarillo reporting problems either. In Arlington, Shandy Clark said she had a family member experience something similar, and when they confronted the poll workers about it, they were told it’s been happening pretty often with other people as well.

“I had a family member that voted this morning and she voted straight Republican,” Clark wrote. “She checked before she submitted and the vote had changed to Clinton!”

“She reported it and made sure her vote was changed back,” she continued. “They commented that it had been happening.”

Meanwhile, reports have been surfacing of other instances of votes being switched throughout the state. A Redditor said he’s been seeing on social media where similar instances have occurred when people vote straight-ticket for Republicans.

Also, when confronted about potential fraud, Director of Elections Keith Ingram pretty much ran away from an InfoWars reporter rather than answer any questions. While he didn’t necessarily do anything wrong, his behavior was definitely shady, at best:

Oh, and then there’s this, which “fact-checking” websites like Snopes says doesn’t happen:

The bottom line is that when you vote, check and then double check your ballot is exactly the way you want it to be. Even if it’s only incidental that the machines are switching votes (ironically, it always seems to be from Republican to Democrat), you still wouldn’t want to accidentally cast a ballot for the wrong candidate, especially with so much riding on this election.


Although rumors of "vote switching" in Texas are rampant, we found only one case in which a report was investigated, and it was found to be unsubstantiated.

One post after another and NOTHING but anecdotal, uncorroborated HEAR SAY.

IOW more typical Trumpkin nonsense from USF.
It's all rigged,Ma'am.
Will you take up arms and join the racist revolution when Trumpf loses YUUUUUUUUUGE in Texas?

We will just answer like your butt buddy Legion Fag used to. BTW where did he go? Did it get really ugly when KKKhristiefans husband found out she was sexting with him? I heard it did

I won't answer ludicrously loaded questions

I won't answer your irrational question.