How American Elites Are Being Captured By the Chinese Communist Party: Peter Schweize


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How American Elites Are Being Captured By the Chinese Communist Party: Peter Schweizer

Facts Matter
Roman Balmakov

“Elite capture” is a high-level strategy used by Chinese Communist Party, China’s intelligence apparatus, as well as those involved in quasi-private business ventures.

The idea is simple: by tempting another country’s elite with money, access, and favors, you can move them to see their interests as being either intertwined or even the same as the interests of China.

In order to see how this strategy works in practice, we sat down with Peter Schweizer, a world-renowned author, researcher, investigative journalist, and president of the Government Accountability Institute.

His most recent best-selling book, “Red Handed,” goes into great depth to expose the Chinese communist strategy of “elite capture” as it applies to five sectors of America’s institutions: big tech, wall street, politics, entertainment, and education.