How bout that Lehman Bros?


Villified User
Yet another recently golden company needing bailout.

This econony based on finiancial stuff sucks, maybe we need to go back to actually making stuff and not just trading money ?
We did not stop but greatly slowed. Are you trying to take the nit picking title away from Damo or something ?
he means that stuff that had jobs he was qualified for with his GED.
He's been ragging against the college educated for years.
the economy is 41% bigger under Bush and wealth is up 33%
this shit though is way above your ged head ya hillbilly
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the economy is 41% bitter under Bush and wealth is up 33%
this shit though is way above your ged head ya hillbilly

41% better under bush ? You smoking that cajun swamp weed or something ?

How much higher now is the market than in 2000 ?
How much better is the Average Wage ?
The housing market ?
The finiancial market.

Ohh well except for those nit picky things ?
moron, GDP is 41% higher
Personal wealth is 33% higher
The average retard at IQ of room temperature is 78% smarter than your Kentucky inbred hillbilly ass. BURN
god watermark makes 8hr and is way more educated than you.
Wealth is assets minus liabilities you hillbilly
Hey Topspin,

If you factor in a 30% fall in house prices and a 20% fall in stock markets, does that wealth figure still stand up? Or was that calculated as of the 1st January 2006?

Just a question, not sure where you are sourcing your information, it seems a little off, particularly as Bush came in at the peak of a tech boom which subsequently went on to wipe several trillion dollars of market value off America's 'wealth'.