How 'bout that TIDE!!!



The Crimson Tide is now #1 in the AP, Coaches, and Harris polls!

Nope, not selective... you hoped Georgia would beat Alabama so the SEC could be represented in the BCS Championship. Apparently, you felt Georgia had a chance to make it, and Alabama didn't. You will recall, I hoped Alabama would beat Georgia AND go to the BCS Championship. We're not there yet, but we're a lot closer than we would have been under your scenario. But I guess you have your own spin... you're probably rooting for LSU or Florida now, because you don't think Alabama has a chance at winning it all. :)
Nope, not selective... you hoped Georgia would beat Alabama so the SEC could be represented in the BCS Championship. Apparently, you felt Georgia had a chance to make it, and Alabama didn't. You will recall, I hoped Alabama would beat Georgia AND go to the BCS Championship. We're not there yet, but we're a lot closer than we would have been under your scenario. But I guess you have your own spin... you're probably rooting for LSU or Florida now, because you don't think Alabama has a chance at winning it all. :)

And when I made that statement, no one thought we had a chance at being where we are.

Bite my ass, dix.
I made a statement that I would like to see GA run the table and then beat Ohio State for the National Championship.

But I made that comment in July. At that point, I don't think anyone expected us to be where we are.
I made a statement that I would like to see GA run the table and then beat Ohio State for the National Championship.

But I made that comment in July. At that point, I don't think anyone expected us to be where we are.

I expect us to be where we are, every year! Alabama is my team! I am a fan... short for 'fanatic' and I BELIEVE in my team... ALWAYS!

As I recall, in that very thread, I said it would not surprise me to see Alabama exactly where we are right now. I said, I didn't see anyone on the schedule we couldn't beat. You thought I was being unrealistic, you were WRONG!

But like a true Liberal, you believe everyone just has to think like you! If you didn't expect Bama to be where they are, then no one did... no one could have.... it's impossible, because YOU didn't think it! Well, I did! And I sure as hell didn't ever express hope that Georgia would beat Alabama!
I expect us to be where we are, every year! Alabama is my team! I am a fan... short for 'fanatic' and I BELIEVE in my team... ALWAYS!

As I recall, in that very thread, I said it would not surprise me to see Alabama exactly where we are right now. I said, I didn't see anyone on the schedule we couldn't beat. You thought I was being unrealistic, you were WRONG!

But like a true Liberal, you believe everyone just has to think like you! If you didn't expect Bama to be where they are, then no one did... no one could have.... it's impossible, because YOU didn't think it! Well, I did! And I sure as hell didn't ever express hope that Georgia would beat Alabama!

Dixie, this a thread about FOOTBALL. You bring that "like a true Liberal" bullshit in. And I am onl a liberal when compared to far-right extremists. Like 75% of the country would be liberals compared to those wackos.

Yes, I hoped that an SEC team would beat Ohio State in the NC. And I talked about that openly. Are you now saying that I am some how less of a fan? Because I am realistic in my expectations? No, I am simply not a lunatic.

Here is your exact quote:

"I think Saban needs another year to put together a solid NC contender, but it would not surprise me to see it this year, and I certainly think we will mess up someone's BCS plans."

Now I will admit that you did say it would not surprise you if we made it where we are this year. But you also said you thought Saban needed another year to be in the hunt for the NC. And you added in the stuff about messing up someone's BCS plans.

In otherwords, you said we might, we might not, and we could take out a tough team.

So if we had lost 2 or 3 games, you would claim to have been right and Saban needed another year. If we only lost one game and we took out a big team, you would still claim to be right.

Please tell me, what would Bama have done that WOULDN'T have fit that vague, wishy-washy prediction?

If you hedge your bets enough, you can claim to be right. The equivilent would be "I think Obama will win the election, but I wouldn't be surprised if McCain won it. And some third party candidate might have a good showing".
Sol, you hoped that Georgia would beat Alabama. You wanted that to happen because you thought Georgia had a better chance than Alabama to play in the BCS Championship. I believed in my team, I wanted Alabama to win over Georgia, and hoped they could play in the BCS Championship. They are still not there yet, a lot of football is left to be played, but I damn sure believe they can do it, just as I believed this in July.

Read my comment carefully, nothing has changed in what I said, I still believe we are a year away from having a solid NC contender. Our biggest problem now, is depth and inexperience. If we have a few injuries, it's all over, we don't have the talent to replace the starters, and it all starts to fall apart. Will this happen? I'm not a psychic! I certainly hope it doesn't, I hope we can win out and play for a National Championship, and I believe we can, just as I believed we could in July. You were the one who didn't believe it, you thought it was "unrealistic" to believe it, which is your reasoning for hoping Georgia would beat Alabama. All I can say is, it's a good thing our players didn't have your lack of confidence.
Sol, you hoped that Georgia would beat Alabama. You wanted that to happen because you thought Georgia had a better chance than Alabama to play in the BCS Championship. I believed in my team, I wanted Alabama to win over Georgia, and hoped they could play in the BCS Championship. They are still not there yet, a lot of football is left to be played, but I damn sure believe they can do it, just as I believed this in July.

Read my comment carefully, nothing has changed in what I said, I still believe we are a year away from having a solid NC contender. Our biggest problem now, is depth and inexperience. If we have a few injuries, it's all over, we don't have the talent to replace the starters, and it all starts to fall apart. Will this happen? I'm not a psychic! I certainly hope it doesn't, I hope we can win out and play for a National Championship, and I believe we can, just as I believed we could in July. You were the one who didn't believe it, you thought it was "unrealistic" to believe it, which is your reasoning for hoping Georgia would beat Alabama. All I can say is, it's a good thing our players didn't have your lack of confidence.

Thats right Dixie, you were right. And if we had lost three games you would still be right.

I wanted an SEC team to beat Ohio State. And in July I thought Georgia had the better chance. Oh my, you should have the UA take back their degree, rescind my alumni membership and banish me from Tuscaloosa.

Or would you prefer they tar & feather me in front of Denny Chimes?

You said nothing any more solid than can be read in the daily horoscope.
I just think it's funny he's questioning your Bama-fan credentials because you said one nice thing about Georgia.
I just think it's funny he's questioning your Bama-fan credentials because you said one nice thing about Georgia.

And I have a hard time letting shit go by when Dixie says it.

So we both look stupid. What is that saying? "Arguing on the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics. You might win, but you are still retarded".
Or would you prefer they tar & feather me in front of Denny Chimes?

I would prefer they cover you in Dreamland barbecue sauce and let Uga the Bulldog lick you clean... and put it on the Jumbotron with the caption... this is what happens when you believe in Georgia over Alabama! ;)

I would prefer they cover you in Dreamland barbecue sauce and let Uga the Bulldog lick you clean... and put it on the Jumbotron with the caption... this is what happens when you believe in Georgia over Alabama! ;)


I'd be happy to buy you a bottle of Dreamland's best and you are welcome to give a good try pouring it on me.

I started this thread as a celebration of the good season the Tide is having. Take your tired assed "I know everything" bullshit someplace else.

I'll be there celebrating every win and lamenting every loss. I just need to learn to ignore ignorant rednecks like you, dixie.

But then, since your predictions for the elections have gone so well, I suppose the gloating here is inevitable.
I think I might be able to find some help among the alumni in Tuscaloosa, once they discovered how you secretly rooted for UGA to beat us, because you didn't believe in the Tide. But that is neither here nor there, I don't want to rain on your parade, you are a fellow Bama fan, and I appreciate you posting this thread to celebrate the good season we're having to this point. I just wanted to pick at you a little, and I am satisfied now.

:D ....besides... what a fucking waste of good barbecue sauce!!
I think I might be able to find some help among the alumni in Tuscaloosa, once they discovered how you secretly rooted for UGA to beat us, because you didn't believe in the Tide. But that is neither here nor there, I don't want to rain on your parade, you are a fellow Bama fan, and I appreciate you posting this thread to celebrate the good season we're having to this point. I just wanted to pick at you a little, and I am satisfied now.

:D ....besides... what a fucking waste of good barbecue sauce!!

Tuscaloosa is my hometown. I bet I can gather a better crowd.

I gotcha! ROLL TIDE!!!!!