How bout those Reds?

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
7 straight wins, the best pitching staff in BB. Cy Young favorite Cueto and the scariest relief pitcher in the game. The offense has picked up from it's slow start too not to mention we have one of the best infields in the league. Yea Baby, were' going all the way this year!!
He, fine with me. They're doing great (should have said 'awesome' for Low but he wouldn't be reading this :)) this year. The Reds are my 2nd favorite NL team. Second only to my Cardinals. In the old days as a kid I made home made posters of the Big Red Machine and hung them in my room. Of course I was partial to Johnny Bench, but of that group, Ken Griffy, Dave Concepcion, ... all those guys. Nowadays, if it isn't my Cardinals, as long as it's someone from the NL Central...and of course, NOT THE YANKEES, it's all good.
He, fine with me. They're doing great (should have said 'awesome' for Low but he wouldn't be reading this :)) this year. The Reds are my 2nd favorite NL team. Second only to my Cardinals. In the old days as a kid I made home made posters of the Big Red Machine and hung them in my room. Of course I was partial to Johnny Bench, but of that group, Ken Griffy, Dave Concepcion, ... all those guys. Nowadays, if it isn't my Cardinals, as long as it's someone from the NL Central...and of course, NOT THE YANKEES, it's all good.
GMTA LR. Bench was my hero as a kid. I remember crying as a 7 year old when Brooks Robinson pwned him in the World Series. I hated poor Brooks for years after that. LOL Now I appreciate him as the best damned defensive third baseman to ever play the game. The human vacuum sweeper. I agree with you about the Evil Empire. The only thing better than seeing them lose the World Series is seeing them lose to your team! :)