How CCP’s Bad Business is Costing Americans; Behind Student Protests on 2021 Tiananme


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How CCP’s Bad Business is Costing Americans; Behind Student Protests on 2021 Tiananmen Anniversary


The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is quietly altering its glowing projections of China’s economy into 2022 and beyond to a more realistic appraisal. Beijing authorities recently held a closed-door meeting of the Central Economic Work Conference, during which Xi Jinping revealed that China's economy is in dire straits. What he neglected to mention is that the CCP is all but wholly responsible for the country’s economic distress. In this episode I look at two compelling examples of this—one that has direct bearing on Americans and another with consequences more localized to China.

Just how does a ride-sharing app come to present a ‘national security concern’ to the CCP? And what was its role in triggering student protests on the 2021 anniversary of Tiananmen Square massacre?