APP - How close is America to another civil war?


New member
"Since the Great Recession, Americans have begun discussing a new topic, civil war. Not the one that ravaged the nation between 1861 to 1865. They're talking about the next one, that more people now believe will occur within our lifetime. Is this crazy talk, or do they have a point"?

"So, we are closer to a civil war than we have been since the Great Depression. The threat is real, prompted by economic problems. Our politicians are promoting the danger though divisive speech and behavior. All that is needed is a good, deep cut to social services, or some other great crisis, and the conflict may start. Such conflicts start suddenly and with little warning. Once begun, they take on a life of their own and the cannot be stopped until they have run their course".

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson