How Come BLM Do Not Riot When A Black Women Is Killed?


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First note that the public will never be told what the government puts in vaccines.

If I was black I would be screaming ‘CONSPIRACY” trying to find out if the vaccine Penrod received is only tested on black Americans.


Desiree Penrod

Facebook, which routinely adds its editorial comments to posts with which it disagrees, recently "fact-checked" a woman's complaint about her reaction to a coronavirus vaccine.

Desiree Penrod, 25, said on Facebook after getting vaccinated in early March: "The vaccine is killing me today. My arm hurts, beyond exhausted, headache, stomach cramps and earaches."

Penrod also posted: "Multiple people told me that I looked pale today.

Jeez: Maybe the vaccine is a nothing more that a skin lightener!

Yesterday, I was fine but today it's taking its toll on me."

Facebook, citing the World Health Organization, added a disclaimer to a post by Penrose, "COVID-19 vaccines go through many tests for safety and effectiveness before they're approved."

Get run over by a train and coronavirus killed you if you believe media liars. In fact, every death is now attributed to the coronavirus —— except the people who die “unexpectedly” from a vaccine:

A week later, Penrod died. Her obituary said she "passed away unexpectedly."

Facebook 'corrects' woman's complaint vaccine 'is killing me,' then she dies
'By WND Staff
Published April 6, 2021 at 11:23am

The scum in government are just getting started. The coverup begins with laying the blame on manufacturing dangerous vaccines instead of blaming the filth in Congress who work hand in glove with Big Pharma and Big Tech:

Germany, France, Italy, Spain and other nations have suspended the use of AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine over concerns it is linked to blood clots.

The manufacturer denies any link, but an official with with the European Union's agency in charge of evaluating medicines believes there is a "clear association" between the two.

European Union: COVID-19 vaccine has 'clear association' with brain blood clots
By Bob Unruh
Published April 6, 2021 at 4:28pm
Last edited:
I missed that one until now. Coulter brought me up to speed

Here is her latest:


In modern America, we periodically offer up white men as human sacrifices to the PC gods.

Among our benefactions: Jake Gardner, Kyle Rittenhouse, Darren Wilson, the Duke lacrosse players, University of Virginia fraternity members, Stacey Koon and Mark Fuhrman.

The rest of us just keep our heads down and pray we won't be next.

Derek Chauvin is on trial for killing George Floyd by "kneeling on his neck", as it appeared in cellphone videos. You may remember something about this: It's why America had to burn in 2020.

But the chief medical examiner's report establishes that, however else Floyd died, it wasn't from Chauvin's knee. Oopsie! I guess it wasn't absolutely essential that our country go through eight months of looting, riots and mostly peaceful arsons.

In lieu of citing some B.S. media "fact check," I shall quote directly from the autopsy report by the Hennepin County Chief Medical Examiner, Andrew Baker:

"No life-threatening injuries identified --

"A. No facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae

"B. No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures

"C. No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain injuries

"D. No chest wall soft tissue injuries, rib fractures (other than a single rib fracture from CPR), vertebral column injuries, or visceral injuries

"E. Incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior and lateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocks negative for occult trauma"

In short: No bloodshot eyes and no trauma to any part of Floyd's neck.

And yet, day after day, prosecutors, witnesses and the media tell us that Chauvin "squeezed the life out of" Floyd. The medical evidence establishes that whatever else caused his death, it was NOT asphyxiation.

That's the entire case against Officer Chauvin! But the howling mob isn't giving up its holy religious observance because of one dork in a lab coat. The sun might not rise! The city of Minneapolis could be wiped out! Wait -- that might actually happen.

The medical examiner also found that Floyd had enough fentanyl in his system -- I don't want to say "to kill a horse," because that would be a cliche. But it would be enough to bump off an entire team of Budweiser Clydesdales. In technical medical jargon:

"A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens:

"1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL"

That's just the first few words of the "Toxicology" section. Also listed are norfentanyl, 4-ANPP, methamphetamine, cannabinoids, amphetamines, morphine and so on.

But the 11 nanograms per milliliter of fentanyl is rather important, inasmuch as the chief medical examiner called this "a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances," saying, "deaths have been certified with levels of 3."

Three. But George Floyd went up to 11.

Naturally, Baker was quick to add, "I am not saying this killed him." Please don't throw me to the woke gods! Leave me to my test tubes! (And you thought lawyers were craven.)

I have a feeling we're about to see another example of the left not accepting science.

In addition to liberals refusing to accept the science of:

-- DNA (the O.J. trial)

-- AIDS (we're still waiting for that big heterosexual outbreak!)

-- Cancer clusters and breast implants (billions of dollars wasted and companies destroyed because of the left's adherence to junk science)

-- I.Q. (just watch the reaction to my mentioning this hate-science) ...

... we can now add "pharmacology"!

You mean to say that just by sticking a syringe in someone's arm you can tell if he's been taking drugs? That's a lot of mumbo-jumbo, just like the moon landing.

This trial is a total sham, but the entire power of the state, the media, the left-wing shock troops and the country's finest legal talent is being deployed against Derek Chauvin.

In addition to Minnesota's top prosecutor, the state has hired Neal Katyal, former solicitor general of the United States -- an unheard-of maneuver in a case that doesn't involve some highly technical specialty, like antitrust. A slew of lawyers are working pro bono for the prosecutor -- also unheard of. The state has unlimited resources to pursue Chauvin.

Against this, Chauvin has one lone defense attorney, Eric Nelson. The Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association's legal defense fund will put up to $1 million toward his defense, and Nelson can talk to the other rotating attorneys whom the fund employs. But unless they're working pro bono, too, $1 million runs out pretty fast.

The legal mismatch in the O.J. Simpson case wasn't this one-sided.

In the middle of jury selection, the city of Minneapolis announced an eye-popping civil settlement of $27 million with the family of George Floyd. Liberals are still denouncing Richard Nixon for a 1970 speech in which he inadvertently described defendant Charles Manson as someone who was "guilty, directly or indirectly, of eight murders" -- leading to demands for a mistrial.

What does a $27 million settlement with the family of the alleged victim say?

Black residents of Minneapolis are threatening to burn the place down if Chauvin isn't convicted -- and the only reason anyone thinks a jury could possibly return a guilty verdict is that they believe them.

In the darkest days of Jim Crow, the entire country never ganged up on a single individual like this.

Please, gods of wokeness, we ask that his human sacrifice be acceptable!