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SF Considers a Tax on Sugary Drinks

SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) -- For years, the idea of taxing soda to beat back obesity has been tossed around in medical circles. But now, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom is proposing a tax on beverages high in fructose corn syrup.

Newsom says obesity accounts for tens of millions of dollars in city health care costs. He cites a recent San Francisco Health Department survey that found nearly a quarter of the city's 5th, 7th and 9th graders were overweight and that high sugar drinks make up a tenth of a kid's daily calorie count.

Newsom reportedly wants all big box retailers and chain drug stores to pay into his new "Shape up San Francisco" program, which started this past summer with a walking regimen.

This comes as the state of California is considering slapping caffeine-infused sodas, and energy drinks with warning labels, saying consumption can contribute to diabetes.
If government wasn't so "benevolent" as to foot the bills for idiots, we'd have less idiots.
Nice. Punish a legitimate business (through loss of customers to non taxed drinks)because some parents do not monitor what their children consume. And you fucking libtards wonder why we call it the nanny state
I really think we're taxing high sugar drinks because of their negative effects on society in general.

But you can set up a strawman if you'd like.
I really think we're taxing high sugar drinks because of their negative effects on society in general.

But you can set up a strawman if you'd like.

They're only negative effects because government has adopted society. It "costs" society money because government owns society.

Stop being such a simplistic dickstench.
ZOMG false outrage libertarians pouring in!?!/1?1/

Call it what you will. But the costs are only actual costs if the government has taken ownership over health. That's what happened, and you were sitting around playing the deadman's flying troupe business when it happened.

For shame.
I really think we're taxing high sugar drinks because of their negative effects on society in general.

But you can set up a strawman if you'd like.

Hey Watermark, with all due respect you seem to be into self torture living in Mississippi. Truly, come join me in San Francisco because this place would be heaven to you. Literally there are no Republicans in power here. It is all Democrats and Greens. This is the closest you will get to utopia on Earth. Save your money my brother and come visit. No joke, I will give you a place to stay. Come check it out.
Hey Watermark, with all due respect you seem to be into self torture living in Mississippi. Truly, come join me in San Francisco because this place would be heaven to you. Literally there are no Republicans in power here. It is all Democrats and Greens. This is the closest you will get to utopia on Earth. Save your money my brother and come visit. No joke, I will give you a place to stay. Come check it out.

Pffffft. That's the most expensive place on the mainland. My man only has a couple of grand. He should visit Hawaii if he wants utopia. We're socialized as hell out here.
They attempt to govern to the lowest denominator. There is some retarded parent out there that can't say no to their kid, that is the aim, to get that one retard to stop giving sugary treats to their overweight toddler.
I really think we're taxing high sugar drinks because of their negative effects on society in general.

But you can set up a strawman if you'd like.

And we see there is no real difference between economic freedom and personal freedom.

Another thing, soda's might not be so bad if they were sweetened with sugar rather than corn syrup, but nanny staters, like waterhead, keep the price of sugar high. Gotta protect ADM.
And we see there is no real difference between economic freedom and personal freedom.

Another thing, soda's might not be so bad if they were sweetened with sugar rather than corn syrup, but nanny staters, like waterhead, keep the price of sugar high. Gotta protect ADM.
Order your soda from Mexico, it is made with sugar.
Call it what you will. But the costs are only actual costs if the government has taken ownership over health. That's what happened, and you were sitting around playing the deadman's flying troupe business when it happened.

For shame.



And thanks for the plug.
And we see there is no real difference between economic freedom and personal freedom.

Another thing, soda's might not be so bad if they were sweetened with sugar rather than corn syrup, but nanny staters, like waterhead, keep the price of sugar high. Gotta protect ADM.

I think that corn subsidies should be abolished and that sugar tariffs should also be abolished. A domestic supply of sweeteners isn't worth generations of obesity.
Pffffft. That's the most expensive place on the mainland. My man only has a couple of grand. He should visit Hawaii if he wants utopia. We're socialized as hell out here.


Like it makes a difference, Beefy. Governments all claim to be different but in reality they're all the same.
Hey Watermark, with all due respect you seem to be into self torture living in Mississippi. Truly, come join me in San Francisco because this place would be heaven to you. Literally there are no Republicans in power here. It is all Democrats and Greens. This is the closest you will get to utopia on Earth. Save your money my brother and come visit. No joke, I will give you a place to stay. Come check it out.

But Caw, I'd still have to live mostly under the government of California, which isn't liberal enough for me. :(

You live in SF? LOL. That's almost funny. A libertarian in SF.