How Do I Join Politics.Com?

When you enter the url, it asks for a username and password, and of course I'm not registered with a profile!
It isn't set up for registration. That appears more like a password protected FTP site than it does a site like this.
It isn't set up for registration. That appears more like a password protected FTP site than it does a site like this.
The thought has occurred to me (this may be redundant, but I don't know what FTP stands for) that it is still being constructed and so administrators are coming in and out, which is why it assumes that you already have a password and so forth...
The thought has occurred to me (this may be redundant, but I don't know what FTP stands for) that it is still being constructed and so administrators are coming in and out, which is why it assumes that you already have a password and so forth...
File Transfer Protocol - its a server set up that allows file sharing and downloads.

Your guess is probably closer. They are setting up a home page and have protected it until it is ready for public access. They probably accidentally bypassed or disabled their intro page that used to be there announcing their site while setting up something else.

It's been in the works for quite a while now, indicating the operators are either very much amateurs, or very much part timers. Either that or they are expecting to set up an income generating site with advertisers and a bunch of the advertising fell through.
Please tell me how no one can think up a decent thing to do with a domain name as clear and obvious as ""? This is a failure of the free market, and one of the things I will correct when you make me king of the United Socialist Revolutionary Provinces of America
Please tell me how no one can think up a decent thing to do with a domain name as clear and obvious as ""? This is a failure of the free market, and one of the things I will correct when you make me king of the United Socialist Revolutionary Provinces of America
Go Back to England.
Probably nothing. He hasn't set it up yet, but it appears as if they are doing something.

It is likely set up and being tested by a few with the access...

you can likely hit a web page with the proper port on the end of your URL and an ID/pw.