APP - How do lefties feel about the filibuster today?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I don't think I need to go back in time and pull posts about how much disdain the left had for the filibuster when the GOP was using it. So Harry Reid gutted the filibuster for nominating appointments. Are JPP lefties fans of the filibuster again?

I mean without it, how do leftists in the Senate survive? How do they stop anything?

considering that hilary won the popular vote by over 1.5 mil votes and the tactics used against her that carried parts of congress against her, i really do not care that the repugs are having their tactics against used against them.

in fact i applaud the dems for learning how congress really works (or does not work). however, be prepared for another do nothing congress. unless the boys learn to share their toys (please note that i do not include the dem women in that last statement).

ps i am not a dem, i am an independent and a social progressive and a fiscal conservative.
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considering that hilary won the popular vote by over 1.5 mil votes and the tactics used against her that carried parts of congress against her, i really do not care that the repugs are having their tactics against used against them.

in fact i applaud the dems for learning how congress really works (or does not work). however, be prepared for another do nothing congress. unless the boys learn to share their toys (please note that i do not include the dem women in that last statement).

ps i am not a dem, i am an independent and a social progressive and a fiscal conservative.

The GOP if they choose do not need the democrats for anything. All they have to do is nuke the filibuster all the way. Problem solved and Chuck U Schumer is neutered.

You are a democrat, but if you want to tell your story so be it. There is no such thing as a "social progressive and a fiscal conservative". It is a nice lie people tell themselves to try to sound smart and enlightened, but the two can exist and are mutually exclusive
there is such a thing as a social progressive and a fiscal conservative. it is someone who understands the need for a real social safety net and wants the biggest bang for their extorted tax dollars. and wants real tax reform.
considering that hilary won the popular vote by over 1.5 mil votes and the tactics used against her that carried parts of congress against her, i really do not care that the repugs are having their tactics against used against them.

in fact i applaud the dems for learning how congress really works (or does not work). however, be prepared for another do nothing congress. unless the boys learn to share their toys (please note that i do not include the dem women in that last statement).

ps i am not a dem, i am an independent and a social progressive and a fiscal conservative.

WTF is this popular vote bullshit? Did every liberal in the country suddenly forget their constitution lessons? Dumb.
there is such a thing as a social progressive and a fiscal conservative. it is someone who understands the need for a real social safety net and wants the biggest bang for their extorted tax dollars. and wants real tax reform.

There is no need for a Government social safety net; it is a bullshit claim Liberals banter about because they have no solutions other than growing Government and stealing taxpayers hard earned wealth. It is a scam dishonest Liberal politicians use to pander to low information dunces who have been convinced that without benevolent faceless bureaucrats, the lives that they know would cease to exist.
