How do we explain to our children ?


Villified User
Remember all the repubs moaning about how to explain the Monica/Bill scandal/act to our small children.
I wonder how they explain ED to them from all the hard weenie pill ads ?

Daddy what is ED ?
Remember all the repubs moaning about how to explain the Monica/Bill scandal/act to our small children.
I wonder how they explain ED to them from all the hard weenie pill ads ?

Daddy what is ED ?

LOL. I don't know. Commericals are getting more and more embarrassing though.
You just tell them that it is a sickness solved with that medication. What is so difficult about that?
You just tell them that it is a sickness solved with that medication. What is so difficult about that?

I don't know. I don't have kids. But my niece and nephew have apparently hit on a plan to save up all of their questions for when they're with me. This weekend, my niece announced in front of her younger brother, in my car, that she "just had to say this". She doesn't think the easter bunny is real. And my nephew got upset. Also, the little brat asked me a couple of weeks ago, "how girls can kiss other girls".

I can only wish they'd ask me about ED. I'd consider it a break.
Ohh pretty much like explaining the monica and bill thing. The president had a girlfriend and was married that was a bad thing ?

False outrage is a fav Neo tool.

All kinds of SEX enabler commercials on TV but no Prophalactics commercials. Preventing disease and pregnancy is a bad thing not to be spoken of.

Dumb ass people.
I don't know. I don't have kids. But my niece and nephew have apparently hit on a plan to save up all of their questions for when they're with me. This weekend, my niece announced in front of her younger brother, in my car, that she "just had to say this". She doesn't think the easter bunny is real. And my nephew got upset. Also, the little brat asked me a couple of weeks ago, "how girls can kiss other girls".

I can only wish they'd ask me about ED. I'd consider it a break.
Tell your niece that I don't believe in the Easter Bunny either.
Tell your niece that I don't believe in the Easter Bunny either.

I told her to please remember that her brother is two years younger than she is, and I didn't say anything else. It's really up to her parents, not me. I always feel sandbagged by them. It's quite a thing to be outsmarted on a regular basis by a six year old and an eight year old.
I told her to please remember that her brother is two years younger than she is, and I didn't say anything else. It's really up to her parents, not me. I always feel sandbagged by them. It's quite a thing to be outsmarted on a regular basis by a six year old and an eight year old.
Induct her into the "Adult" club. Part of it is to keep the secret from those who don't know yet. It works for Santa and the Tooth Fairy as well.
Yep make a republican out of her :)

Oh no. One of the first things I taught both of them, was that whenever they hear the word "republican" they should make a gagging motion and go "eccchhhhh". They love doing it. My sister-in-law, who has Republicans in her family, is not as amused, but I don't care. :)
Oh no. One of the first things I taught both of them, was that whenever they hear the word "republican" they should make a gagging motion and go "eccchhhhh". They love doing it. My sister-in-law, who has Republicans in her family, is not as amused, but I don't care. :)

ROTFLMAO, I had not thought of that , that is wonderfully devious.

Still laughing....
Oh no. One of the first things I taught both of them, was that whenever they hear the word "republican" they should make a gagging motion and go "eccchhhhh". They love doing it. My sister-in-law, who has Republicans in her family, is not as amused, but I don't care. :)

Nice! that's great!
"It's quite a thing to be outsmarted on a regular basis by a six year old and an eight year old."

I would think that, as a liberal, you would be used to it by now.

I just let my kids be kids...I did not discuss politics until they were old enough to for the Easter Bunny,Christmas etc...I let them be kids...amazing when they got a little older and when they asked the questions I gave them my opinion...and told them it was 'my opinion'...and they would find their own opinion when they experienced life...simple really!