How Do You Know When Government Is Functioning Properly?

There will always be some that say government is not functioning properly. You can't please all the people all the tiem.
How Do You Know When Government Is Functioning Properly?

that really boils down to what you think the proper function of government is.

To me, there are a few metrics to quantify if we have a effective, fair and just government:

1) Openess and transparency. Government that operates in secrecy, and shields itself from public scrutiny, is up to no good.

2) Social metrics: Private companies are responsible for making a profit and delivering consumer goods and services. That's all. What about society's other needs? Democratic Government - in the liberal philosophy - is merely a tool, which can be used for either good or ill. We can measure the effectivness of the public sector by how much it invests in people. And by investments, I mean things that either increase equality of opportunity, or reduce risk for people. Specifically, of course, this fundamentally comes down to health care, the tax system, public infrastructure, education, and a modest social safety net.

3) Law enforcement and the legal system: The government has to be a fair, and impartial arbiter in both civil law, consumer law, and criminal law. A judiciary that is totally independent, and free of political influence. Just look at how Bush/Rove allegedly tried to turn the justice department into a political tool to attack Democrats. That's the kind of shit that goes on in third world countries.

4) Lastly, I'd say the best government is the one that you rarely ever notice is there, on a day to day basis. Government doesn't need to mess with your personal life, dictate morality, or promote a paranoid national-security State apparatus.