How Do ‘YOU’ Stand On H.R. 204?


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Once again, media stooges are conspiring with the United Nations to control the dialogue in a presidential election. Television mouths cover everything Democrat scum want to talk about, but you can bet that not one mouth will report a Democrat promising to serve the United Nations should he/she become president.

In fact, not one person running for president after 1945 was ever asked where he stood on U.S. membership in the United Nation? nor was a perspective director of any intelligence agency ever asked at a confirmation hearing what they thought about serving the United Nations? I sure as hell know what Panetta, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Mueller, Haspel and Wrey would answer had they been asked.


Did you know that in the second half of the 20th century, a United Nations plan to transform America into a UN satellite was implemented? Worse, this globalist transformation continues today. UN regulations are already embedded into our government agencies and the transformation of our Republic into a socialist state is well underway. This article shows how globalism came to NASA, and America.

Using NASA as an example, it is painfully clear that the globalists have made progress in their efforts to add America to the New World Order. You have to admit that when NASA is training people to achieve global governance by the UN, it’s time to say “Houston…we have a problem!”

While America’s transformation was initiated by worldwide globalists, it was our own presidents who pulled the triggers to dissolve America’s heritage of Freedom, and replace Constitutional rule with the rules of the New World Order.

Below are the stepping stones to the NWO, which the globalists have already taken.

1. In 1976, American globalist politicians wrote a Declaration of Interdependence, which states: “Two centuries ago our forefathers brought forth a new nation; now we must join with others to bring forth a new world order.” This was signed by 105 Democrats and 13 Republican members of Congress, “with cooperation” from the Council of Foreign Relations and the US Council of the International Chamber of Commerce.
2. In 1987, European Socialist Gro Brundtland (a former VP of Socialist International) wrote a report for the United Nations called “Our Common Future,” which invented the concept of “Sustainable Development (SD).” Her report stated: “Sustainable development requires meeting the “basic needs of all.” Therefore if you define SD, you control how to meet the “basic needs of all.” The concept of SD is the foundation of Agenda 21.
3. In 1991, President George H. W. Bush (1988-1992) made his notorious NWO announcement: “to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN’s founders!” It’s stunning to hear an announcement from a sitting president that advocates America be part of a globalist government.
4. Then in 1992, President George H. W. Bush signed the UN Rio Declaration on Environment and Development Treaty, known as Agenda 21. It uses social engineering to control all human activity, and is based on the UN’s principle of SD. When President Bush signed Agenda 21, not only did he make good on his promise to create a NWO; but committed the US to implement the UN’s Agenda 21 regulations.
5. President George H. W. Bush’s signing of the Agenda 21, can be summarized as:

“He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation.” That phrase was written into the Declaration of Independence as a reason for going to war against England! And in 1992, America did nothing! Did the Deep State already own Congress then?

6. However, one politician who was excited at the opportunity to make America subservient to the UN was Nancy Pelosi. In August 1992, Representative Pelosi sponsored House Concurrent Resolution 353, to announce the Democrat Party’s desire that Agenda 21 should be the law of America. It passed the House on 10-2-1992. The Resolution had 63 cosponsors (Dem 53, Rep 9, Ind 1).
7. Agenda 21 is 351 pages of regulations that control every sector of society, all justified by the UN’s invented term “sustainable development.” Think of Agenda 21 as a virus that is slowly dissolving capitalism and our Constitution, and replacing them with a “command and control” socialist order based upon the ambiguous term “Sustainable Development.”
8. In 1993, President William J. Clinton (1992-2000) signed the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC). In 1994, this agreement also created the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), an EPA partnership with Mexico and Canada, organized like a UN division and run by a Secretariat.
9. In 1998, President Clinton ordered all federal agencies to follow the Agenda 21 regulations as official US policy. (Image below is from his Executive Order in Federal Register.)
10. Some media outlets still call Agenda 21 a hoax and claim it is non-binding (i.e. voluntary).
11. President George W. Bush (2000-2008) was also a proponent of Agenda 21. What happens after divide and conquer; unite and rule. Thus in 2005, our “government consultants,” the Council of Foreign Relations, issued a report called, “The North American Community,” which laid the groundwork for a North American Union (NAU).
12. But when his administration floated the idea, it was met with very stiff resistance. In 2006, there was a Congressional Resolution against the NAU. In 2007, Senator Rand Paul said a Trans-Texas Corridor could lead to a North American Union, and in 2009, the Congressional Research Service issued: Security and Prosperity Partners of North America. The Trans-Texas Corridor was also cancelled in 2009.
13. So for the duration of George W. Bush’s presidency, creating the North American Union was on the back burner. However, the Deep State still has hope. If there are no plans for a NAU, why does the US government still operate the CEC 11 years after “W” left office? There is no reason for the CEC to exist, other than its intended purpose, to be the Headquarters of the NAU.
14. President Obama’s (2008-2016), administration planned and implemented the ultimate NWO takeover, a covert plan to affect a coup against president elect Donald Trump, and deliver America to the NWO, via H. Clinton. The fact that the plan was implemented by our intelligence agencies should tell you our Republic is on the brink.
“Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.”—Robert A. Heinlein

No doubt the covert members of the Deep State will continue their attacks on President Trump as long as he holds office, focus on neutralizing our Constitutional Rights, and attacking judges to reduce public confidence in the entire judicial system.

In fact, our First Amendment is under extreme attack; from the FBI! In 2011, FBI agents illegally hacked into reporter Sharyl Attkisson’s laptop when she worked for CBS. Computer experts found proprietary software on it, and determined the source of the hack was the FBI.

Unbelievably, Attkisson lost (because FBI Director Wray refuses to name the agents) her first case but is appealing. But what happens if she loses? Won’t this set a precedent that allows any government agency to hack into our computers at will…legally?

While Americans are fortunate that the election of Donald Trump has slowed our momentum towards a NWO; an analysis of the presidential actions above present a new jolting reality for Americans:

1. When it comes to globalism and destroying our Republic, there is no difference between these Republican and Democrat presidents, they all advocated for the NWO.
2. The presidents listed above all ruled by Executive Orders to steer our Republic into the globalist NWO.
3. Currently, establishment Republican and Democrat presidential candidates cannot be trusted to lead America, or save the Republic. Therefore, while President Trump’s brash style and idiosyncrasies offend some people, he appears to be the only leader not beholding to, or corrupted by the Deep State; and governing for the good of America, not the NWO.

And that is how NASA became a cheerleader for the NWO.

How NASA became a cheerleader for the New World Order
By James Lampe
September 20, 2019

Every intelligence agency was betraying this country for the United Nations long before NASA joined the queue:

During the height of the Cold War I knew one thing above everything else: Never let Democrats come anywhere near an intelligence agency. I began pounding on Democrats infiltrating the intelligence community on my first message board in 2000. Today, Democrats control the entire intelligence community through the Director of National Intelligence. God only knows what Democrats are doing to the country in the Department of Homeland Security.

The American people cannot dismantle the New World Order’s political power and influence incrementally the same way it was acquired. Swift and complete withdrawal is the only way:

It has been 18 years since U.N.-Free Zones first appeared. A lot has happened since 2001. Maybe there is now enough to make the entire U.S. a U.N.-free zone by passing H.R. 204:


Withdrawing is in sight now that the American people’s innate hatred of the United Nations has grown in leaps and bounds since 2001.

Finally, President Trump may have stumbled into shutting down the United Nations. Notice that Mnuchin does not say if funds going to the U.N.’s World Bank will be cutoff?

President Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on imposing sanctions on the Iranian National Bank after the Saudi oil attacks.

No matter, every Muslim government will see that whatever a Christian country is doing to Iran can be done to every Islamic country. That reality might encourage Muslim counties to walk out of the U.N.

Just to be clear. Irrespective of how much economic sanctions on Iran helps the U.S. it is trivial compared to the benefits the American people will reap a thousandfold over if Islam shuts down the United Nations.

Just a reminder:

There is no objection to killing Muslims trying to kill you, while Constitution-loving Americans would cut their own throats if they fight to replace one religion with another. Americans must defeat Islam as a matter of self-defense, but they must not do it for Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Socialism, democracy, the United Nations, and certainly not for the New World Order. Fighting for their country is the only thing Americans should fight for.
Just to be clear. Irrespective of how much economic sanctions on Iran helps the U.S. it is trivial compared to the benefits the American people will reap a thousandfold over if Islam shuts down the United Nations.

Alexei Saab should be given a helping hand with these two:

Saab gathered information and took photographs of the sites, according to the Justice Department, including:

The United Nations headquarters

The Statue of Liberty . . .

New Jersey Man Scouted Sites for Hezbollah Attacks, Charges Allege
By Rick Moran
September 20, 2019

NOTE: Lady Liberty no longer stands for liberty:

Instead of a monument to individual liberty, Lady Liberty morphed into an invitation to the wretched parasites of the world who do not come here yearning to be free, or to work for themselves and their loved ones. Instead, they come here with their hands out to big government.

The New Colossus should include these words:

Give me your parasites, your criminals,
Your sick yearning for free healthcare,
Send these, the worst, tempest-tost to me,
I open my front door to Typhoid Nancy’s welfare state!


There is another aspect of the Statue of Liberty that needs to be examined. Lady liberty became a symbol for promoting democracy around the world. Unfortunately, symbols that begin life as monuments often come to represent the opposite of their original intent. Lady Liberty standing for democracy is the sickest perversion of all.
We have come full circle??

A desire to leave the very world order we created.

China wont win, we'll just fold up upon ourselves w/out a fight & leave the world in their hands...….

Hopefully they'll be less violent & ruthless but then they have over a million of their own citizens in internment camps. :palm:
A desire to leave the very world order we created.

To Bill: “We” means you and your kind creating the world order you desire —— a one government world administered by the United Nations.

China wont win, we'll just fold up upon ourselves w/out a fight & leave the world in their hands...….

To Bill: China began winning when they got a draw in Korea before it was seated in the U.N.

The real reason President Truman fired General MacArthur was because Communist China was not a member of the United Nations. Mac wanted to cross the Yalu River and bomb Communist China. That would have amounted to the infant United Nations declaring war on China before the Chicoms were admitted to the U.N.

Peace Without Victory was always the Democrat Party’s policy. Truman was right about going to Korea, but he never should have involved the United Nations.

General MacArthur was correct in light of what China is today. As it turned out U.N.-lovers got away with calling the Korean War a Police Action so they did not have to get a declaration of war from Congress. (WWII was the last time Congress issued a declaration of war despite the wars this country fought for democracy since 1945.)

China won in Vietnam. There were no anti-Korean War demonstration because it was a U.N. war. The U.N. did not sanction the Vietnam War; hence, demonstrations against the war was the main reason China won in Vietnam. Those demonstrations began before China was seated in 1971:

NOTE: The day will come when the U.S. must defend Taiwan against China —— and the United Nations. It would have been better to fight China before it got a permanent seat on the Security Council. Also note that the U.S. has two enemies growing in military strength —— Communism and Islam —— both protected by the United Nations.

Hopefully they'll be less violent & ruthless but then they have over a million of their own citizens in internment camps. :palm:

To Bill: The U.S. military is not the world’s police force. Whatever Chicoms do to Muslim Uighurs is not our business so long as Chicoms do it within China’s borders.

China is facing growing criticism over its persecution of some Muslim minority groups, huge numbers of whom are allegedly being held in internment camps.

In August 2018, a UN committee heard that up to one million Uighur Muslims and other Muslim groups could be being detained in the western Xinjiang region, where they're said to be undergoing "re-education" programmes.

China Uighurs: All you need to know on Muslim 'crackdown'
By Roland Hughes BBC News
8 November 2018

Indeed, Muslims and Communists killing each other is an ideal scenario for everybody who opposes tyrannical government; i.e. theocracy.
To Bill: “We” means you and your kind creating the world order you desire —— a one government world administered by the United Nations.

To Bill: China began winning when they got a draw in Korea before it was seated in the U.N.

The real reason President Truman fired General MacArthur was because Communist China was not a member of the United Nations. Mac wanted to cross the Yalu River and bomb Communist China. That would have amounted to the infant United Nations declaring war on China before the Chicoms were admitted to the U.N.

Peace Without Victory was always the Democrat Party’s policy. Truman was right about going to Korea, but he never should have involved the United Nations.

General MacArthur was correct in light of what China is today. As it turned out U.N.-lovers got away with calling the Korean War a Police Action so they did not have to get a declaration of war from Congress. (WWII was the last time Congress issued a declaration of war despite the wars this country fought for democracy since 1945.)

China won in Vietnam. There were no anti-Korean War demonstration because it was a U.N. war. The U.N. did not sanction the Vietnam War; hence, demonstrations against the war was the main reason China won in Vietnam. Those demonstrations began before China was seated in 1971:

NOTE: The day will come when the U.S. must defend Taiwan against China —— and the United Nations. It would have been better to fight China before it got a permanent seat on the Security Council. Also note that the U.S. has two enemies growing in military strength —— Communism and Islam —— both protected by the United Nations.

To Bill: The U.S. military is not the world’s police force. Whatever Chicoms do to Muslim Uighurs is not our business so long as Chicoms do it within China’s borders.

China is facing growing criticism over its persecution of some Muslim minority groups, huge numbers of whom are allegedly being held in internment camps.

In August 2018, a UN committee heard that up to one million Uighur Muslims and other Muslim groups could be being detained in the western Xinjiang region, where they're said to be undergoing "re-education" programmes.

China Uighurs: All you need to know on Muslim 'crackdown'
By Roland Hughes BBC News
8 November 2018

Indeed, Muslims and Communists killing each other is an ideal scenario for everybody who opposes tyrannical government; i.e. theocracy.
I've never said anything about wanting a one world anything being ran by US....:dunno: strawman.gif

Although it is a bit selfish, & we actually had a choice or say I would prefer a world order dominated by the USA as opposed to China...

That is what your withdrawal will result in, & what you failed to address.......

I don't care what your opinion is on Muslims, Uighurs or any of the rest of that....

If you have something to add or discuss related to what is being called "the Chinese century", the BRI as it relates to your "American withdrawal" I will be interested in hearing it..hats-off-salute-smiley-emoticon.gif
I've never said anything about wanting a one world anything being ran by US....:dunno: View attachment 11733

To Bill: Opposing withdrawal more than implies you do not want the U.S. running anything.

Although it is a bit selfish, & we actually had a choice or say I would prefer a world order dominated by the USA

To Bill: You are talking in circles. You never said you wanted the U.S. to dominate anything. In short: Withdrawal is the choice.

as opposed to China...

To Bill:
Exactly: One or the other must dominate the United Nations. The majority of Americans dedicated to freedoms and individual liberties dictates withdrawal. Remaining a sovereign nation does not stand a chance against the U.N.’s dedication to totalitarian government.

NOTE: Colonial Americans fought for independence. The New World Order crowd is working 24-7 to hand today’s Americans to the United Nations. It is not much of a stretch to say the U.N.’s secretary general is replacing this guy:

Incidentally, the U.S. defeated the Soviets because their Communist economy could not compete militarily. China learned from Russia’s defeat. The Chicoms are already manipulating the U.N. to avoid the same mistakes the Soviets made.

NOTE: Both China and Russia are building their versions of our Strategic Air Command and nuclear submarine fleets —— the very deterrent weapons our own military used to maintain the peace during the Cold War. You can be sure the Chicoms will start a war with those weapons before they accept defeat.

That is what your withdrawal will result in, & what you failed to address.......

To Bill: Everything I have been saying for twenty years on message boards about passing The American Sovereignty Restoration Act addresses the result the U.N. works for —— DEFEAT THE U.S.

I don't care what your opinion is on Muslims, Uighurs or any of the rest of that....

To Bill: Nor do I care about your touchy-feely concern for how China treats Uighurs that you brought up:

Hopefully they'll be less violent & ruthless but then they have over a million of their own citizens in internment camps. :palm:

If you have something to add or discuss related to what is being called "the Chinese century", the BRI as it relates to your "American withdrawal" I will be interested in hearing it..View attachment 11734

To Bill: Continued membership in the U.N. guaranties a Chinese century. Withdrawal prevents it. Research my messages if you want more.
I've never said anything about wanting a one world anything being ran by US....:dunno: View attachment 11733

Although it is a bit selfish, & we actually had a choice or say I would prefer a world order dominated by the USA as opposed to China...

That is what your withdrawal will result in, & what you failed to address.......

I don't care what your opinion is on Muslims, Uighurs or any of the rest of that....

If you have something to add or discuss related to what is being called "the Chinese century", the BRI as it relates to your "American withdrawal" I will be interested in hearing it..View attachment 11734

To Bill: I would be remiss if I did not include the following to your response:

Soviet Communists flocked to the environmental fraud on the day the Soviet Union imploded. In the 28 years since the ‘Implosion Heard Round the world’ —— U.N. environmental parasites made more inroads in this country’s sovereignty than the Soviet Union ever accomplished throughout its brutal 74 year life span.

First, it was not a strike —— it was a demonstration organized by United Nations parasites:

That’s the message from the young leaders of Friday’s global climate protests, which drew hundreds of thousands of people to climate “strikes” around the world in anticipation of a U.N. summit in New York.

Second, parasites always trump the ability to govern a free people by playing the ‘moral card’

“We see the world as it is, we see it really clearly,” says activist Jeremy Ornstein, 18. “Seeing it as it is and as it could be — that’s what we call moral clarity.”

Third, Gina McCarthy came out of retirement to lead the children in a chorus of:

Incidentally, agent 006 & 7/8ths reported that then-EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy opened every high-level meeting at the EPA with a chorus of:



In Boston, Ornstein and thousands of other young activists gathered at City Hall Plaza, before making their way to the Massachusetts Statehouse building. Ornstien gave an address to a cheering crowd, as did older figures, like Obama Administration EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy.

Youth-Led Strikes Around the World
By Alejandro de la Garza
Updated: September 20, 2019 6:27 PM ET

Last but not least, parasites always trot out “the children” whenever parasites want more tax dollars.


Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg, left, takes part during the Climate Strike, Friday, Sept. 20, 2019 in New York. Eduardo Munoz Alvarez—AP

Note that young environmental freakazoids are demanding legislation. In short. U.N. stooges like Democrat Senator Michael Bennet need democracy to succeed despite what this video says:

Last edited:

To Bill:
Exactly: One or the other must dominate the United Nations. The majority of Americans dedicated to freedoms and individual liberties dictates withdrawal. Remaining a sovereign nation does not stand a chance against the U.N.’s dedication to totalitarian government.

Incidentally, the U.S. defeated the Soviets because their Communist economy could not compete militarily. China learned from Russia’s defeat. The Chicoms are already manipulating the U.N. to avoid the same mistakes the Soviets made.

NOTE: Both China and Russia are building their versions of our Strategic Air Command and nuclear submarine fleets —— the very deterrent weapons our own military used to maintain the peace during the Cold War. You can be sure the Chicoms will start a war with those weapons before they accept defeat.

To Bill: Everything I have been saying for twenty years on message boards about passing The American Sovereignty Restoration Act addresses the result the U.N. works for —— DEFEAT THE U.S.

To Bill: Nor do I care about your touchy-feely concern for how China treats Uighurs that you brought up:

To Bill: Continued membership in the U.N. guaranties a Chinese century. Withdrawal prevents it. Research my messages if you want more.

I don't think it is in the world's interest for either to be running the UN

As would any country that feels their interests are threaten.:dunno:

I know, you only care about yourself, surprise NOT..

I brought up the Uyghurs for a reason which went over your head~I'll leave it @ that.....
To Bill: I would be remiss if I did not include the following to your response:

Soviet Communists flocked to the environmental fraud on the day the Soviet Union imploded. In the 28 years since the ‘Implosion Heard Round the world’ —— U.N. environmental parasites made more inroads in this country’s sovereignty than the Soviet Union ever accomplished throughout its brutal 74 year life span.

First, it was not a strike —— it was a demonstration organized by United Nations parasites:

That’s the message from the young leaders of Friday’s global climate protests, which drew hundreds of thousands of people to climate “strikes” around the world in anticipation of a U.N. summit in New York.

Second, parasites always trump the ability to govern a free people by playing the ‘moral card’

“We see the world as it is, we see it really clearly,” says activist Jeremy Ornstein, 18. “Seeing it as it is and as it could be — that’s what we call moral clarity.”

Third, Gina McCarthy came out of retirement to lead the children in a chorus of:

Incidentally, agent 006 & 7/8ths reported that then-EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy opened every high-level meeting at the EPA with a chorus of:



In Boston, Ornstein and thousands of other young activists gathered at City Hall Plaza, before making their way to the Massachusetts Statehouse building. Ornstien gave an address to a cheering crowd, as did older figures, like Obama Administration EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy.

Youth-Led Strikes Around the World
By Alejandro de la Garza
Updated: September 20, 2019 6:27 PM ET

Last but not least, parasites always trot out “the children” whenever parasites want more tax dollars.


Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg, left, takes part during the Climate Strike, Friday, Sept. 20, 2019 in New York. Eduardo Munoz Alvarez—AP

Note that young environmental freakazoids are demanding legislation. In short. U.N. stooges like Democrat Senator Michael Bennet need democracy to succeed despite what this video says:


Other than your stupid cartoon, the rest isn't funny.....

Perhaps one day when you calm down you can make a thread on one or two points, until then stay on the meds, they seem to e helping...