How does it feel watching the ideology you spent your whole life building crumble?


It just crumbles right before your eyes the minute before your about to die. How does that feel boomers? Your entire evil system of extracting more and more from the workers for less and less, feeding a monster of debt and passive income. The ill begotten capital stock of the United States collapses right before our eyes, and with it, your claim to extract rent from the workers. The United States is worth 2/3 today what it was two weeks ago. But it was always worth far less. That value was totally illusory and meaningless, it was parasitism off of the workers. It collapsed the second your companies weren't able to get ahead of their debts they took on to send you passive income, by extracting more and more from their workers at ever more increasingly unrealistic and brutal levels. The entire system was a house of cards, just tumbling down, it all comes crumbling down right now.

: )

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America unified.
Last time I remembered America unified, was just after 9/11…
Then again the during the north-east black-out …

Each time it was caused by alien high-tech helming.

Each time it was to hunker or to return to shopping.