How Does it Feel?


Will work for Scooby snacks
I wonder how it feels to kill you own nephew; to send him to an unneccessary war based on false pretenses, simply because you were too lazy or too afraid to ask the tough questions of those who were selling the war....

"Nephew of Montana Democratic Senator Baucus killed in Iraq"

Montana senator's nephew dies in Iraq

Associated Press

HELENA, Mont. - A nephew of Sen. Max Baucus serving in the Marines was killed in Iraq during the weekend, the senator's office said Tuesday.

Cpl. Phillip E. Baucus, 28, died Saturday during combat operations in Anbar province, the Department of Defense said. It did not immediately release further information.

In a statement, Baucus, D-Mont., said the family was "devastated by the loss."

"Phillip was an incredible person, a dedicated Marine, a loving son and husband, and a proud Montanan and American," the senator said. "He heroically served the country he loved and he gave it his all."

Phillip Baucus, of Wolf Creek, was part of a Marine Corps battalion based at Twentynine Palms, Calif. He was married last August at the ranch his parents operate between Helena and Great Falls.

Max Baucus voted to authorize war in Iraq in 2002. Earlier this summer, he joined other Democrats in voting to begin a phased redeployment of troops from the war-torn country by year's end.
how do you think the people who have loved ones who died in vietnam feel knowing 90% of Americans think that war was a huge mistake.

It must feel horrible
Especially if YOU personally gave the president the authority to go to war.
again maybe he doesn't feel bad, maybe he still thinks the iraq war is worth it.

Did you ask him? Did you read any statement by him?

Not everyone thinks the same way you do.
For fuck's sake...why is it, after YEARS of screaming, I STILL see people calling the "Joint Resolution" of 2002 a "vote for war". It was NOTHING OF THE SORT.

Agnosticus_Caesar said:
For fuck's sake...why is it, after YEARS of screaming, I STILL see people calling the "Joint Resolution" of 2002 a "vote for war". It was NOTHING OF THE SORT.

You're the only one in this thread calling it that. And try to remain calm.
The Joint Resolution was a POLITICAL MANEUVER, intended to show Saddam Hussein that The President wasn't just shaking his fist in an impotent manner.

Have any of you taken a basic civics class? Evevery political leader KNOWS that a US President can threaten ALL DAY LONG, but s/he is pretty much powerless unless CONGRESS is on board.

The POINT of the 2002 "Joint Resolution" was to give Bush the ability to MAKE A CREDIBLE THREAT. Bush ABUSED the authority given him. Wake up.
"You're the only one in this thread calling it that. And try to remain calm."

"Max Baucus voted to authorize war in Iraq in 2002."

No. NOBODY voted to authorize war.

Agnosticus_Caesar said:
"You're the only one in this thread calling it that. And try to remain calm."

"Max Baucus voted to authorize war in Iraq in 2002."

No. NOBODY voted to authorize war.


You're mincing words. The writing was on the wall at that point, and only an idiot wouldn't have known that W was hell bent on having a war with Iraq. A blind man could see that. The resolution was a stepping stone to the inevitable war, and I don't give anyone the way out by saying they voted for the resolution but did not think the war was right at the time. No, I can smell political manuvering like this a mile away, and so can you, and you damned well know it.

Mince away, they voted for that resolution knowing exactly what it would mean in practice. Don't even pretend you don't know that comic book guy.
Agnosticus_Caesar said:
The Joint Resolution was a POLITICAL MANEUVER,

The POINT of the 2002 "Joint Resolution" was to give Bush the ability to MAKE A CREDIBLE THREAT. Bush ABUSED the authority given him. Wake up.

Please. He was given authority. End of discussion. I am sorry that it bothers you that Bush didn't follow the unwritten rule of when you are given the authority to go invade a country, that you aren't actually supposed to do it.

I wonder how long that would be seen as credible on the world stage.
I disagree mbl...

the vote was in October of 2002 and we did not go in to Iraq until the middle of march 2003.... there was an incredible amount of war drumming occurring and hype and threats and I can remember praying every single day after they passed that resolution for the inspections to work and for President bush to only be carrying the big stick and felt hope every day that passed that we would not have to go to war....

the president went before congress right before the vote on the floor and he told congress that "He had not made up his mind yet to go to war..." He said that mbl.... I think that all the RE writing of history that has taken place over these past years has gotten to ya, has gotten to all of us really...

but what i have just said, is least from my eyes and rememberance of it...
Care4all said:
I disagree mbl...

the vote was in October of 2002 and we did not go in to Iraq until the middle of march 2003.... there was an incredible amount of war drumming occurring and hype and threats and I can remember praying every single day after they passed that resolution for the inspections to work and for President bush to only be carrying the big stick and felt hope every day that passed that we would not have to go to war....

the president went before congress right before the vote on the floor and he told congress that "He had not made up his mind yet to go to war..." He said that mbl.... I think that all the RE writing of history that has taken place over these past years has gotten to ya, has gotten to all of us really...

but what i have just said, is least from my eyes and rememberance of it...
Mama, methinks that you were one of the very few who didn't know that war preparations had begun long before that vote. I knew from the moment the vote took place that it was going to happen... It had become inevitable.
Care4all said:
I disagree mbl...

the vote was in October of 2002 and we did not go in to Iraq until the middle of march 2003.... there was an incredible amount of war drumming occurring and hype and threats and I can remember praying every single day after they passed that resolution for the inspections to work and for President bush to only be carrying the big stick and felt hope every day that passed that we would not have to go to war....

the president went before congress right before the vote on the floor and he told congress that "He had not made up his mind yet to go to war..." He said that mbl.... I think that all the RE writing of history that has taken place over these past years has gotten to ya, has gotten to all of us really...

but what i have just said, is least from my eyes and rememberance of it...

Bush has said a lot of things, but it is very clear that this war was in the works. It was only 5 months between the resolution and the invasion. 5 months. Not a long time, and the Iraq war drums were beating in full force in october of 2002. There was still equity from 9-11, and it was still politically expedient for the politicians to want blood. The congressmen who voted for the resolution knew damned well what they were doing. The difference was merely that public opinion was in favor of war with Iraq at the time. That's why they voted for the resolution. Its painfully obvious.
Grind said:
again maybe he doesn't feel bad, maybe he still thinks the iraq war is worth it.

Did you ask him? Did you read any statement by him?

Not everyone thinks the same way you do.
It's called "giving him the benefit of the doubt" Grind.