APP - How Donald Trump would have RUN and WON against B. Hussein Obama


Now of course this is speculative, but the Trans Righty Mitt Romney's OpEd got me to thinking this week about how weak a candidate both McShamnesty and the Mittster were against B. Hussein Obama.

So how would Trump have waged a campaign battle against him?

1) He would not have shied away from using his middle name at EVERY campaign event. Unlike McShamnesty who thought it wasn't kind even though democrats were calling him every name in the book

2) He would have hit him hard for not releasing his transcripts from Columbia and implied he was stupid

3) He would have pummeled him over his birth certificate

4) He would have crushed him over Reverend Wright

5) He would have talked non stop about his Tony Rezko deals

I am probably missing a few, but Trump would not have been weak like the other two Trans Righty's. He would have hit Obama and he would have hit him hard and I believe he would have beaten him