APP - How far can we go?


I was watching some Sci-Fi movies and was just wondering?

Does anyone think the species of man has "evolved", since say over the past 2000 years?
I don't mean as a society or technical discoveries; but as a species.

This wasn't meant to be anything political or religious; but more about maybe how our species has evolved.

The second part of this, is what does anyone speculate as to where or what we might be able to get to.

Just asking, not meant to start any kind of arguments or insults.
We're taller but that's likely just diet.

I've seen the same correlation; but wondered if it might just be that people are marrying taller people, over shorter ones.
<yes, I see what happened there>

Kind of like a population of people having different color hair; but over the years, one color becomes more dominate due to it being more "desirable".
Another good point.
Is it possible that both are attributable to what society sees as more "attractive" and therefore it's slowly removed from being passed on?

Hair ? No, don't think so. Lost the need same as appendix. Diet changed which meant the appendix had a much smaller role to play. Clothes replaced hair.
Hair ? No, don't think so. Lost the need same as appendix. Diet changed which meant the appendix had a much smaller role to play. Clothes replaced hair.

Then how do you explain areas of the country that have a predominance of a hair color over others, when it would seem that all hair colors would have an equal representation (so to speak).

The appendix situation, I agree with.
How far? I read recently that in age we can make it to 150 but the few people I know in their nineties seem so old 150 seems too distant. Genetically they claim we are shrinking and are healthier. While true for many, so many die in their fifties and sixties again I am a skeptic. 2000 years seems a short time given geologic time but surely there must be some changes? What are they? I finished reading 'White Trash' not long ago and it mentioned how many whites and others were considered a lower class of human. Eugenics was big as cattle and horses formed a model of thought for humans. Many thought through eugenics a better human could be created and they wanted to keep the trash separate. I found it funny that some thought the trash would eventually move to Mexico as westward migration pushed the migrant worker west. Instead the remote areas and the south in America became the place for refugees unfit for mixing with the elite of north and south. So another question would be how far have we come as a species in terms of society? Has human nature changed?

"Many of the new genetic adjustments, Hawks observes, are occurring around changes in the human diet brought on by the advent of agriculture, and resistance to epidemic diseases that became major killers after the growth of human civilizations."

"We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Sahara. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here." Richard Dawkins
How far? I read recently that in age we can make it to 150 but the few people I know in their nineties seem so old 150 seems too distant. Genetically they claim we are shrinking and are healthier. While true for many, so many die in their fifties and sixties again I am a skeptic. 2000 years seems a short time given geologic time but surely there must be some changes? What are they? I finished reading 'White Trash' not long ago and it mentioned how many whites and others were considered a lower class of human. Eugenics was big as cattle and horses formed a model of thought for humans. Many thought through eugenics a better human could be created and they wanted to keep the trash separate. I found it funny that some thought the trash would eventually move to Mexico as westward migration pushed the migrant worker west. Instead the remote areas and the south in America became the place for refugees unfit for mixing with the elite of north and south. So another question would be how far have we come as a species in terms of society? Has human nature changed?

"Many of the new genetic adjustments, Hawks observes, are occurring around changes in the human diet brought on by the advent of agriculture, and resistance to epidemic diseases that became major killers after the growth of human civilizations."

"We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Sahara. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here." Richard Dawkins

After all that, what was your point??
After all that, what was your point??

Does there have to be a point? Could food for thought be enough?

The point (?) was contained in the comment and links, we are shrinking and living longer per those who study this stuff. The comment on our brains shrinking struck me as kinda odd. Our grandchildren seem brighter and more educated than we were young. Progress in learning and information has evolved, but at the same time most people live in bubbles, tribes in other words and their meaning exists in that tribe. That is a key component of America today, ideas are propagated by the rich similar to the way the church did in the past and still does in some social networks. So then I ask, does anyone agree and if they disagree show us why.
Then how do you explain areas of the country that have a predominance of a hair color over others, when it would seem that all hair colors would have an equal representation (so to speak).

The appendix situation, I agree with.

No reason to believe hair color should even out. Regions were often settled by select nationalities and its really not been that long to obtain randomness in that end of the gene pool. Cities see more movement but rural or overly hot or cold not so much.
Does there have to be a point? Could food for thought be enough?

The point (?) was contained in the comment and links, we are shrinking and living longer per those who study this stuff. The comment on our brains shrinking struck me as kinda odd. Our grandchildren seem brighter and more educated than we were young. Progress in learning and information has evolved, but at the same time most people live in bubbles, tribes in other words and their meaning exists in that tribe. That is a key component of America today, ideas are propagated by the rich similar to the way the church did in the past and still does in some social networks. So then I ask, does anyone agree and if they disagree show us why.

Yeah; there usually is a need for a comment to have a point, if you want to have it considered to have anything to do with the OP.
No reason to believe hair color should even out. Regions were often settled by select nationalities and its really not been that long to obtain randomness in that end of the gene pool. Cities see more movement but rural or overly hot or cold not so much.

How long of a time period do you find to be necessary; because I had set my parameters as being the last 2000 years?
If you made your point, then you shouldn't have a problem in pointing it out; without just repeating what you were on your soapbox about.

So, what was your point?

My point was we have changed little per my comments and links. Now since you ignored it, what was your point in opening this thread?
My point was we have changed little per my comments and links. Now since you ignored it, what was your point in opening this thread?

Are you suggesting that someone from 2,000 years ago, is identical to someone from today?

But then; you did say "...changed very little..." which would imply that even you recognize that there have been changes. :good4u:
Are you suggesting that someone from 2,000 years ago, is identical to someone from today?

But then; you did say "...changed very little..." which would imply that even you recognize that there have been changes. :good4u:

Yes, we are basically the same, and in some cases both socially and intellectually the same. Read ''Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes: Life and Language in the Amazonian Jungle' by Daniel L. Everett. The people live as they did in the past. In terms of time no one knows exactly how long.

The changes are as the British paper suggested, genetic changes that demonstrate natural selection at work. That would be due to migration, integration and adaptation. See also Robert Trivers if you are interested in topic.

I see though that you continue to censor information as you are unable to face challenges to your biased opinions.