APP - How I know leftists don't really believe the Russia Collusion Delusion


Former Vice President
Oh, I know that the leftists like to talk about "russian collusion", but do they really believe it? I don't think so and here is why.

Again, this is my superior intellect guided by common sense.

If they truly believed that President Trump and Russia colluded to win the election, then deep down in their souls they believe that Crooked Hillary was robbed of her rightful place as President of the United States. And since every leftist I know proclaimed that no candidate was ever more qualified to be President than Crooked Hillary Clinton, it only stands to reason that leftists would be clamoring, nay DEMANDING that Crooked Hillary run for President for a third time.

Yet you don't hear leftists clamoring for Crooked Hillary to run again. In fact you hear just the opposite.

Seems to me that if they really believed she was the most qualified ever to run AND they believe she was robbed AND they believe she would have beaten Trump that she would be a slam dunk in a rematch against Trump right?

But, they don't really think that do they? That is because deep down in places they don't like to talk about, they know there wasn't any Russian collusion with Trump. It is all a delusion