APP - How I know Russia had ZERO influence on the 2016 election


Former Vice President
Superior intelligence guided by common sense tells me that Russia had ZERO influence on the outcome of the 2016 election. Did they try to meddle? I am sure they did. They would like nothing more than to sow doubt in our election process and it worked. Look how crazy the left wing is. That which they accused Trump of they are doing themselves. They have not accepted the outcome of the 2016 election

But, back to the original point of this thread. How do I know they had no influence?

Simple. The democrat party has yet to produce one person, not one who has claimed that they were going to vote for Crooked Hillary, but saw some post on Facebook and/or Twitter and changed their mind and either voted for Trump or voted for someone else or didn't vote at all.

Crooked Hillary was as about a known quantity as we have ever had in recent Presidential elections. Can anyone who planned to vote in 2016 really say they were "undecided" or didn't have an opinion about her one way or another?

Only a true idiot would believe that some Facebook post caused ANYONE to change their vote. It flies in the face of logic.