APP - How I know there was no Russian Collusion in 2016 - Part 2


Former Vice President
In a previous post I pointed out in a very articulate and thoughtful way how there was no way Russia colluded with Trump to win the 2016 election

Now here is even more proof.

In the run up to the 2018 election did you hear any concerns from leftists about Russia meddling in the mid terms?

After the election have you heard of any leftist complain about Russia meddling in the 2018 mid terms?

Seems odd doesn't it? Why wouldn't Russia try to meddle? Surely if they made such an investment into Trump as leftists claim, they wouldn't want to chance it by letting him lose the House of Representatives would they? But there was ZERO collusion in 2018. ZERO meddling in 2018. ZERO complaints by leftists of meddling in 2018

This has all been a ruse to try to undo an election