How I see other posters...

I guess you didnt watch the clip. :) The character in question is about THE LAST person anyone would see as a father figure.

I saw your Daddy and your comparative thoughts about me. It's not uncommon for the youngest son to have daddy issues. Look at Hunter. LOL
What I see are a lot of, otherwise good, people misbehaving, showing little respect for those who do not agree with them on any given thing!

But to make matters even worse, I see some people going out of their way, to start shit-slinging threads that include personal verbal attacks on others here in the forum.

Kind of reminds me of the little bully on the playground, that was always going around, telling others, "My Daddy can beat your Daddy up" just to stir up unnecessary shit!!

Totally provocative, unnecessary, and childish!
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You dont get much of anything right, and yet you keep showing up pretending that you know what you are talking about.

I get most everything right. You? Not so much. On top of that you have a horrendous inability to communicate which is why neither the left, right or middle of the board has much respect for you. Learn to communicate before opening you're mouth. Many have tried to teach you including myself. You just might not have the ability or skills needed to function on an at least somewhat normal level. At minimum we at least need clay to mold so we can help you, far all you have shown yourself to be is a a pile of runny mud. Unfortunate for you.