Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
New research shows what happens in the minds of white Americans when they see demographic change

For most of its modern history, Old Brooklyn in Cleveland has been a working-class white neighborhood. But it's changing. Over the last decade or so, it has become a destination for black and Hispanic families; Today, Cuban cafés and Guatemalan businesses are sprinkled among old-school coffee shops and Polish restaurants. Some longtime residents are happy to see new energy injected into the neighborhood. But others have been wary of newcomers—in part, because of their race.
New research shows what happens in the minds of white Americans when they see demographic change

For most of its modern history, Old Brooklyn in Cleveland has been a working-class white neighborhood. But it's changing. Over the last decade or so, it has become a destination for black and Hispanic families; Today, Cuban cafés and Guatemalan businesses are sprinkled among old-school coffee shops and Polish restaurants. Some longtime residents are happy to see new energy injected into the neighborhood. But others have been wary of newcomers—in part, because of their race.

So working class white liberals are upset that rich white liberals have displaced minorities with their hipster invasions into their areas?

That's funny shit right there.
New research shows what happens in the minds of white Americans when they see demographic change

For most of its modern history, Old Brooklyn in Cleveland has been a working-class white neighborhood. But it's changing. Over the last decade or so, it has become a destination for black and Hispanic families; Today, Cuban cafés and Guatemalan businesses are sprinkled among old-school coffee shops and Polish restaurants. Some longtime residents are happy to see new energy injected into the neighborhood. But others have been wary of newcomers—in part, because of their race.

Lived through this with my grandmother living in downtown L.A. California .

Blacks moved in and turned a qujet neighborhood into a crime zone .... They beat up and robbed my G mothers best friend ! We had to force my Gmother to move out because her husband built the house .

I live in an area that used to be all white .... Now it's turning brown .

What they bring is .... Trash ! They turn their yards into junk yards with old trashed cars and any kind of trash you can imagine !

That's the reality of race differences .
Now that whites are a minority, letting blacks move into our nice neighborhoods is a form of cultural appropriation that should be banned.