How is an attempted Japanese rocket launch like Trump supporters?

Referring to Japanese as little men... How bigoted. Typical stereotyping Democrat.

Global Comparison of Average Adult Male Height.

The average adult American male is 5 feet 9.5 inches tall, according to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention between 2007 and 2010.

The average adult male in Japan is 5 feet 7.4 inches tall.

The average Japanese man probably has to look down to look you in the eye.

I'm guessing height is one of many ways in which you fail to "measure up", little fella.

Now run along and go play with your little Trumptard midget friends.
Not to go off topic here, but Japanese porn isn't that great either. (just making a comment)
Go cry butthurt to the people who collect and publish the scientific data, retard.

It wasn't hard to notice that one of the forum's most er, um, how shall we say it... size-challenged RWNJs pounced on this like Trump on a cheeseburger.

That rocket launch "anomaly" was pretty cool, and scary.
Global Comparison of Average Adult Male Height.

The average adult American male is 5 feet 9.5 inches tall, according to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention between 2007 and 2010.

The average adult male in Japan is 5 feet 7.4 inches tall.

The average Japanese man probably has to look down to look you in the eye.

I'm guessing height is one of many ways in which you fail to "measure up", little fella.

Now run along and go play with your little Trumptard midget friends.

You should have won the most obnoxious poll, even Domer isn't as big a cunt as you.