How long can the GOP candidates keep pretending they didn't totally screw America?


Will work for Scooby snacks
I've been wondering this. I've watched the GOP debates. I watch Fox news. The party that brought you the Iraq War is loathe to talk about it in any substantive way, other than some BS about how we can't "surrender" in Iraq.

In the debates they do their best to spin and dodge answering the question of whether Iraq was a mistake, or if their Iraq War has made the U.S. safer. Like the dude in the public restroom, who clogs and overflows the toilet, its like they're tip-toeing away from the mess they created, hoping not to get caught.

They followed an ill-equipped and thoroughly unprepared goofball president, down the shithole. And tied their fate to his. They lied, cheerled, and decieved for four years, to protect bush from criticism and to hide from the american public how bad things were in Iraq. They sent rightwing talk radio goons to iraq, to spout propaganda about how great things were going.

Let me call this what it is: TREASON. These people are more concerned with the public perception of themselves and their party, than in being honest about the challenges we faced from the mess they created. That is loyalty to party. Not loyalty to country. There are people around, who voted for bush twice, who continue to say that - even knowing what we know now - we had no choice but to invade iraq. Everyone here with an IQ over 50 knows this is a lie. The Dems? Cowardly, and unwilling to end the war unilaterally. Unfortunately I don't think a war has ever been ended - or started - without a bipartisan consensus. So, we remain at an impasse.

The GOP's '08 Candidates Can't Keep Dodging Iraq Much Longer

By Matt Taibbi,

First Republicans screwed up on Iraq, sending thousands of Americans to their deaths. Then they refused to apologize. And now they're going to pay for it in the 2008 elections.
I've been wondering this. I've watched the GOP debates. I watch Fox news. The party that brought you the Iraq War is loathe to talk about it in any substantive way, other than some BS about how we can't "surrender" in Iraq.

In the debates they do their best to spin and dodge answering the question of whether Iraq was a mistake, or if their Iraq War has made the U.S. safer. Like the dude in the public restroom, who clogs and overflows the toilet, its like they're tip-toeing away from the mess they created, hoping not to get caught.

They followed an ill-equipped and thoroughly unprepared goofball president, down the shithole. And tied their fate to his. They lied, cheerled, and decieved for four years, to protect bush from criticism and to hide from the american public how bad things were in Iraq. They sent rightwing talk radio goons to iraq, to spout propaganda about how great things were going.

Let me call this what it is: TREASON. These people are more concerned with the public perception of themselves and their party, than in being honest about the challenges we faced from the mess they created. That is loyalty to party. Not loyalty to country. There are people around, who voted for bush twice, who continue to say that - even knowing what we know now - we had no choice but to invade iraq. Everyone here with an IQ over 50 knows this is a lie. The Dems? Cowardly, and unwilling to end the war unilaterally. Unfortunately I don't think a war has ever been ended - or started - without a bipartisan consensus. So, we remain at an impasse.

Romney was Governor of Massachusettes (sp), Rudy G. was mayor of NYC. Fred Thompson was not an elected political official. Why should they apologize for something they didn't vote on?

Why don't you focus your anger on Hillary Clinton who voted, along with John Edwards, to authorize this war and refuses to apologize. She is going to be our next President and will have to deal with the situation. Based on her rhetoric it doesn't sound like she is going to make drastic changes to America's foreign policy.

Instead of trying to get Republicans on an internet chat board to apologize to you, which will not happen, get involved in the Democratic primary and try to make a change.
"Romney was Governor of Massachusettes (sp), Rudy G. was mayor of NYC. Fred Thompson was not an elected political official. Why should they apologize for something they didn't vote on? "

You're missing the point, if I'm reading it correctly. I'm amazed, listening to the GOP debates & the way the GOP candidates talk about Iraq, that they seem to be living in some sort of alternate reality, where Iraq makes perfect sense & is the way we should continue to conduct the "war on terror," whatever that is. It's a dangerous situation for our country to have people who could be President still talk in terms of "they hate us for our freedoms" and talking about "fighting them there so we won't have to fight them here." It represents a complete disconnect from reality, which is something that should alarm anyone interested in sound foreign policy.

Unless you can say "Invading Iraq was a mistake, and there are better ways to address terrorism as a threat," you have no business even talking about national security....
Cypress, the remaining Bush supporters are too stupid to realize how that they have hosed things up. The embaressed republicans (libertarians) relaize it but are too bound to their party to do anything about it. that is a result of the mental differences outlined in the other thread.

In short most all Republicans are hosed royally.