How Long Can the World Feed Itself?


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"For the sixth time in the past seven years, the human race will grow less food than it eats this year. We closed the gap by eating into food stocks accumulated in better times, but there is no doubt that the situation is getting serious. The world's food stocks have shrunk by halfsince 1999..."

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We pay our farmers NOT to grow food, believe it or not...with tax payer's money...that is a DISGRACE....

we gave all of our food reserves that we had stored during the Carter administration and the starving in the world at that time...

Stock up your pantries guys cuz there are no food reserves in our own country other than what grocery stores have stocked is what I have read...not that we won't always be the land of the plentiful when it comes to food, but who the heck knows what will come down as a mandate from the UN OR SOME OTHER FACTION that demands us to feed the starving or even if we volunteered to do such, and then bam, grasshoppers infest our crops and we are in the same boat as the others starving or a nuke and all the crops are poisoned for the next few years from fal out....

hahahaha....Mrs. Boyscout , BE PREPARED speaking....

Carter did more to screw things up in this country than any other president before or since.

Yes they do pay farmers not to grow crops. With our tax dollars. But there's still a lot of growing on. There are farms all around me and crops growing everywhere I go. Lots of cattle around too. The problem this country faces is not the lack of crops or animals but the fact that no one knows how to slaughter or prepare food any more. Instant and pre-prepared foods are what everyone is use too. If its not microwaveable people don't know how to cook it. And canning is a lost art. Except in the country.

Your right its a good idea to keep a lot of can goods on hand for emergencies. Most people however don't have the room or the money for keeping a large amount of food on hand. Plus most homes now have electric stoves and no way to prepare food without electricity. Our society is so tied to technology that should anything happen to cripple that technology you would have total pandimonium.

I would be more concerned about our electricity grids than about running out of food. If those go down for any length of time then the food will stop flowing.