How long till


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If the economy continues to improve the right wing says it is all because of TARP? Or say "See Bush's tax cuts worked" ?
If the economy continues to improve the right wing says it is all because of TARP? Or say "See Bush's tax cuts worked" ?
Well, currently it isn't because of the stimulus as that doesn't kick in until October. You would have to look at other things to figure out what is causing an improvement.
Well that's just politics. Both sides will try to take credit for success and both sides will blame the other for failures.

Right now I think were seeing the stimulus start to have an impact. Orders for basic materials and chemicals used in construction, road and housing projects have increased substantially in recent months. That's a very good sign.
The residential housing bubble bursting has about run it's course. We are now seeing forclosures as the result of job losses for the most part.
The commercial realestate is still sinking though.
Job losses will likely continue well into next year. But will slow as the bottom approaches.
There has been an impact from Obamas plan from increased and extenede unemployment benefits. And also the checks to SS and vets. And I think a few projects are starting up from the stimulus. Cops are spending stimulus overtime money as well.
If the economy continues to improve the right wing says it is all because of TARP? Or say "See Bush's tax cuts worked" ?


I think it will be because the wonders of Bush's deregulation schemes will finally kick in, before Obama fucks them up.