How Long until Hillary backtracks on the out in 3 Months?


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February 21, 2007 -- In a dramatic finding, a new poll shows a solid majority of Americans still wants to win the war in Iraq - and keep U.S. troops there until the Baghdad government can take over.

Strong majorities also say victory is vital to the War on Terror and that Americans should support President Bush even if they have concerns about the way the war is being handled, according to the survey conducted by Public Opinion Strategies.

The poll found that 57 percent of Americans supported "finishing the job in Iraq" - keeping U.S. troops there until the Iraqis can provide security on their own. Forty-one percent disagreed.

By 53 percent to 43 percent they also believe victory in Iraq over the insurgents is still possible.


More at the above link.
Another part I found interesting...

Only 25 percent of those surveyed agreed with the statement, "I don't really care what happens in Iraq after the U.S. leaves, I just want the troops brought home." Seventy-four percent disagreed.

Do Democrats really want to insist on withdrawal? If 74 percent do care what happens there after we leave, insisting we leave now might end their chances....
A survey of 800 Americans... !

But I agree, withdraw at this point would be a mistake.
Well, I firmly believe staying there is a big mistake and yes. I support a full withdrawal as soon as possible. There is nothing we can do short of providing the army with better equipment and being redeployed to act if things get really out of hand. All we're doing is wasting our resources and being a raison d'etre for the terrorists. Its a tough call but we have to realize that our staying in Iraq isn't quelling the insurgency/civil war. We've been there for 4 years now and its gotten progressively worse. What would we do differently if we stayed there another 8?
Yep the KY bush approval survey had about 800, but I sure don't count it accurate for the nation.
Ridiculous. Most polls have a survey of likely voters. It isn't like they call every house. What is your point here? You think this poll is inaccurate because it doesn't reflect your views? Isn't that a Bush thing, ignore the polls and pretend that you have the right?

You go ahead... We'll watch.
Ridiculous. Most polls have a survey of likely voters. It isn't like they call every house. What is your point here? You think this poll is inaccurate because it doesn't reflect your views? Isn't that a Bush thing, ignore the polls and pretend that you have the right?

You go ahead... We'll watch.

Well the accuracy must have been skewed on for a national level at least, bush just dropped under 50% approval rating in that poll in KY. He has been around 30 some % for the nation for some time.
What we need is for Bush to apologise to the international community, admit his error and that he should have listened to them... Then admit he needs help and he needs to ask for help.

Go to the UN and ask for them to provide an international force to go in and work on setting up a government. We can be a part of that force and we should pay for most of it. It is really the only thing that will work. THe UN will have to be there for 20 - 40 years. Thats what will have to happen if we want a posative result. We need to get the U.S.'s name off the banner of the force keeping peace in Iraq.

The world community would forgive us if we admited the mistake and asked for help.
Yep and then Bush and Cheny resign and let President Pelosi step to the pitchers mound ;)

But then personal responsibility for ones actions is only for liberals not neocons.
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Once Bush is out of office the new president will need to admit out mistakes in a MUCH more direct way than Bush has, then ask the international community for the help we need.
Well the accuracy must have been skewed on for a national level at least, bush just dropped under 50% approval rating in that poll in KY. He has been around 30 some % for the nation for some time.
This isn't a poll about Bush's approval rating. This seems to be where you have a disconnect.
Senator Clinton wont even apologise for her vote to allow action in Iraq. She says, at the time it was the right vote.
yeah, I am not very ofnd of Hillary either, but would love to hsee her as president just to watch the neos become unamerican, rabid blathering idiots..umm well moreso :)
Senator Clinton wont even apologise for her vote to allow action in Iraq. She says, at the time it was the right vote.

I'm at the point now where I don't care who says what about what they did or did not do in the run-up. I want to hear one thing: how are you going to get us out, how soon are you going to get us out, and how smart are you going to get us out? Because the civil war will have to be contained. We can't stop it, but we must contain it, we cannot allow it to become a regional war. Biden strikes me as the smartest about this. I'm not voting for him, but I'd like to see his plan co-opted by the Democratic party.