How long until the Republican occupied territories are liberated?



There are two America's. Vichy America, here labelled in red, occupied with an iron fist by Republican collaborators, and free America, labelled here in blue, liberated, and under democratic control. There are also the disputed territories in purple, where some Republican presence unfortunately still remains. How long until all of America is liberated?

There are two America's. Vichy America, here labelled in red, occupied with an iron fist by Republican collaborators, and free America, labelled here in blue, liberated, and under democratic control. There are also the disputed territories in purple, where some Republican presence unfortunately still remains. How long until all of America is liberated?

I won't live to see it.
The problem here is that Underwear Bomber Star fails to realize is that there is still a majority Conservative voice here in the US that rejects collectivism, and all of the blue states are heavily in debt.
Why do any of you even respond to his stupid ass presentations.
He's a sponge on society and all he does is post dumb ass shit, to see if he can get anyone to respond; because he actually thinks his bullshit made up shit is intellectually stirring.
Democracy is a failure, liberals need to stop being pansies, step up, and impose the necessary reforms to save the nation from the ravages of Conservatism. Conservatism is the most failed ideology in all of history, every time it is tried, it fails. That's why the south and all Republican states are backwaters, conservatism destroyed their economies. The Republican party should be banned, democracy should be suspended, a vanguard party of professional revolutionaries must take control and guide the workers to liberation.
The problem here is that Underwear Bomber Star fails to realize is that there is still a majority Conservative voice here in the US that rejects collectivism, and all of the blue states are heavily in debt.

Ridiculous. Right-fascist states are in debt, because they give away tax breaks willy nilly with no plan to pay for it. They don't live in economic reality. There is no conservative majority, this is a conservative dictatorship where conservatives gerrymander their way into false majorities and billionaires overwhelm honest politicians who oppose their interests with right-fascist demagoguery. Conservatism is a failed ideology that will destroy this nation if not snuffed out.
I am not living in a democracy. My state is occupied by billionaire interests. They have no legitimate right to pass laws that bind the people, it is an occupation.
They already are liberated. The question is: How long until the rest of the nation remembers what freedom sounds like?