How long will it be


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How long will it be before democrats run a black transgender candidate whos a crack head and a illegal alien and a self admitted molester.

It seems like something they would push
How long will it be before democrats run a black transgender candidate whos a crack head and a illegal alien and a self admitted molester.

It seems like something they would push
They tried something similar in Florida, with Gillum for Governor.

Thankfully that disaster failed.
How long will it be before democrats run a black transgender candidate whos a crack head and a illegal alien and a self admitted molester.

It seems like something they would push

You're a moron. No need to sugarcoat it.
So Gillum was a child molester, a transvesite and an illegal alien? I missed that. Got a link?
Gillum was a drug addict who was found passed out in a hotel room with a tranny or something. I'd have to find the old news story to get the particulars. But he was a drug addled loser, for sure. Thankfully Florida has the best Governor in the US!
Gillum was a drug addict who was found passed out in a hotel room with a tranny or something. I'd have to find the old news story to get the particulars. But he was a drug addled loser, for sure. Thankfully Florida has the best Governor in the US!

We can agree about Gillum. We dodged a bullet on that one. Couldn't possibly disagree more about DeSantis. I think he's a disaster. Bullet Bob is just typing words without any thought behind them.
We can agree about Gillum. We dodged a bullet on that one. Couldn't possibly disagree more about DeSantis. I think he's a disaster. Bullet Bob is just typing words without any thought behind them.
I like DeSantis because he bases his decisions on facts and isn't a flame thrower like our last two Presidents. I like his attitude and how he approaches things and he has made the right decisions for the state thus far.
I like DeSantis because he bases his decisions on facts and isn't a flame thrower like our last two Presidents. I like his attitude and how he approaches things and he has made the right decisions for the state thus far.

Excuse me, but did you just refer to #TRE45ON as a "flame-thrower"? That seems to indicate disapproval.
How long will it be before democrats run a black transgender candidate whos a crack head and a illegal alien and a self admitted molester.

It seems like something they would push

The Woke are not just not supportive but are in fact actively hostile towards personal responsibility.
