How long will it take?

dear fucking idiot

did the Russians fuck our elections?

Did Trump and the republicans stop them?

even what Barr just admitted publicly shows your party is not on the side of America

fuck you very much
are you assholes now willing to admit what the Russians did to give Trumpy the win?

even your own assholes admissions prove AT BEST that your guy IS sooooooo fucking stupid he got TOOK by Putin

that is how pathetic your position is idiot
Your nothing Burger line best describes the inside of your GODS head

cavern trumpy

dear fucking idiot

did the Russians fuck our elections?

how many votes did they change darling?

Did Trump and the republicans stop them?

Just as much as Obama did sweetie.

even what Barr just admitted publicly shows your party is not on the side of America.

As I've told you many, many times sugar, I have no "party," I despise all political parties. What did Barr admit babe?

fuck you very much

Thank you sugar pumpkin!