How Many Abortions Have Barack and Michelle Obama Had Between Them?


Important Question: How Many Abortions Have Barack and Michelle Obama Had Between Them?

As long as we're just asking questions-- I want to know.

I want answers.

I mean, since questions about motherhood and child-rearing have become sooo central to this campaign -- aren't we entitled to this information?

As a commenter says -- as long as the left is "camped up inside the uteruses" of Republican politicians (and their daughters, for God's sake) -- let's really open up the floor to questions.

Obama's obviously a fan of abortion. I'd like to know if he puts his personal political preferences into real-life action.

I've been informed that the mere fact that Governor Palin took her kids with her to witness the most important professional moment of her life makes her kids "fair game" -- and also "opened the door" to any and all questions about the Palins' sex lives and decisions regarding childbearing and child-rearing.

Let's leave the Obama kids out of it.

But we'll leave in Barack and Michelle Obama themselves. They are adults. They showed their kids on TV-- therefore their sexual histories are "fair game."

So: How many "Little Obamas" have been left in the sink? I wish to examine each and every one of Barry and Michelle's choices.

Where are Michelle Obama's gynecological records?

These are important questions, and I will not be bullied into silence. It's my duty to ask them.

Anyone buying that Obama has been faithful? What's your best guess as to the number of affairs he's had?

Just speculatin' about a likelihood here. I know the National Enquirer has looked into this -- but found no confirmation of anything. But, apparently, they did hear some things.

PS: If you're at an Obama event, somehow, ask the question, and get his response on camera.
Come on, no guesses? How many tootsie rolls did they flush down the toilet? Three, Five, Ten? Someone must know?
Come on, no guesses? How many tootsie rolls did they flush down the toilet? Three, Five, Ten? Someone must know?

How many between them? I am guessing that Michelle would have been the only one to have aborted a baby, but thats just a guess.

So you maintain that everyone who supports Roe v Wade has aborted multiple babies?

I'd be curious to see what you think of people who support the 2nd amendment.
How many between them? I am guessing that Michelle would have been the only one to have aborted a baby, but thats just a guess.

So you maintain that everyone who supports Roe v Wade has aborted multiple babies?

I'd be curious to see what you think of people who support the 2nd amendment.

I don't own a gun, but by supporting the 2nd Amendment, I take credit and responsibility for the fact that people still have the right to bare arms as well as that 200,000+ lives are saved and 50,000+ lives are lost every year due to my support of the 2nd Amendment.

People who support abortion should have the honor to take credit for the 3700 abortions that take place daily.
I don't own a gun, but by supporting the 2nd Amendment, I take credit and responsibility for the fact that people still have the right to bare arms as well as that 1,000,000,000+ lives are lost and 0 lives are saved every year due to my support of the 2nd Amendment.

People who support abortion should have the honor to take credit for the 0 lives that are lost from abortion daily.

Only if in most public places. Rent a room, USC.

Strange that parents let their kids watch people getting chainsawed to death, etc in the movies, but let them see a bare breast and they run for a cop saying how damaging it is to children.