How many americans actually work and Pay taxes ?


Villified User
I was just wondering this. the payroll numbers won't help much because many of those who work do not pay a net federal income tax after deductions and such.
This figure would help us to determine how much the War and other projects is actually costing those of us who actually pay income taxes.

Anyone have any idea where this number can be found ? Or if it exists ?
I'd look at government publications, especially those from the IRS. There is no doubt this number is available. And there is no doubt that it will take some research to find it. But if you begin by working backwards from last year's tax receipts I'm sure you would stumble across it somewhere; it might even be on the web. I'd start at the IRS government website and see what you can find. But be prepared to get a knock on your door. It's probably illegal to ask such questions in this day and age.

I know that, but will not back down from bullies. Worst comes to worst at least I could get retirement in Prison, and run for office as as a tax objecting conservative while in there.
Well here is a starting point for FY 2004 there were 131,301,697 individual tax returns filed. Still working on how many actually wound up paying a net tax.
Yeah, me too, quite a bit in fact.
but some filing actually get back more than they paid in and some that file wind up paying no taxes at all after their refunds are figured in.
After further research, it would appear that the IRS does not want this particular bit of information to come out.
you can average the taxes paid across the various tax brackets and such, but I could find no info telling me how many individual taxpayers file but pay no taxes.