How many have been using Facebook to socialize lately?


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Just curious who enjoys Facebook. Been looking for a way to socialize with some here in a better more sharing environment. I've tried the clubhouse in the group's area but it just doesn't work well without notifications.
Just curious who enjoys Facebook. Been looking for a way to socialize with some here in a better more sharing environment. I've tried the clubhouse in the group's area but it just doesn't work well without notifications.

never use facebook. seems like a scam to steal information
I never liked Facebook, only used it to keep up with the family, however about 8 months ago I gave them a spin...

Holy Fucking Sheepballs!....I have been completely gone for about 6 months.
I call it FarceBook or FakeBook and other names. But yeah I have an account to contact my family and friends.

Now I am thinking about calling it FoodBook. You know why.
I'm thinking about setting up an account. But ... I've been thinking about it for a few years now. :(
Yeah. I'm surprised too.

It's great but never use the option to sign in other sites using facebook. If you do that they get access to site data you might not want them to have. I learned that firsthand when under people I may know on Facebook appeared this person called Steve Vandermolen.
It's great but never use the option to sign in other sites using facebook. If you do that they get access to site data you might not want them to have. I learned that firsthand when under people I may know on Facebook appeared this person called Steve Vandermolen.

Steven Van Der Idiot. :palm:
Twitter absolutely sucks - some interesting accounts but the dullards are there with their brain fart thoughts as well

FB is more mellow and more social - but the politics are there if you want it too
It's great but never use the option to sign in other sites using facebook. If you do that they get access to site data you might not want them to have. I learned that firsthand when under people I may know on Facebook appeared this person called Steve Vandermolen.

Oh creepy. Whatever happened to that guy? Haven't seen him post in a while.

I learned -- thanks to a couple of forum stalkers -- to keep my FB profile as locked down tight as possible. Also never put your real address, phone number, email, etc. on your account even if you make it invisible to everyone but yourself. You're right about those games and quizzes -- they are nothing but data-mining gigs. You can block the FB apps too so that you don't see other people's game and app stuff.

It's a great platform for staying in touch with friends and family and sharing pics and things. Like with anything else on the Internet, it's up to you to guard your own privacy.
I have an account, I post once a year tops and that's for my daughter's b-day if I do it. At a certain point Facebook feels like high school for grown people. However I get the appeal of connecting with so many others.

I will say I find reading some of the political/cultural discussions among friends/acquaintances informative. At a certain point it becomes an echo chamber but I find value in it to a degree.