How many Leftist Mainstream Media Hoaxes Did YOU Fall For?


Verified User
-- Russian Collusion
-- The Inflation Reduction Act reduces inflation
-- Trump called neo-nazis "fine people"
-- Jussie Smollett
-- Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation
-- Covington kids
-- Governor Witmer kidnapping plot
-- Kavanaugh rape
-- Trump said drinking bleach would fight COVID
-- Russia bombed their own pipeline
-- Trump pee tape
-- COVID lab leak was a conspiracy theory
-- Border agents whipped migrants
-- Trump saved nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago
-- Steele Dossier
-- Russian bounties on U. S. soldiers in Afghanistan
-- Muslim travel ban
-- Andrew Cuomo showed the best COVID leadership
-- Ghost of Kyiv
-- Trump built cages for migrant kids
-- Trump overfed Koi fish in Japan
-- Build Back Better will pay for itself
-- Trump tax cuts benefitted only the rich
-- Cloth masks prevent COVID
-- If you get vaccinated you won't catch COVID
-- SUV killed parade marchers
-- Trump used teargas to clear a crowd for a bible photo
-- Don't say gay was in a bill
-- Putin price hike
-- Ivermectin is a horse dewormer and not for humans
-- Mostly peaceful protests
-- Trump overpowered secret service for wheel of "The Beast"
-- Officer Sicknick at J6 was murdered by protesters
-- January 6th was an insurrection
-- Trump mocked a reporter's disability
-- Rocket that hit Poland was launched by Russia

One can see clearly now why FOX NEWS keeps beating those other leftist hoaxed-fake stations in the ratings by a huge amount
I initially accepted the Jussie Smollett thing because I visit Chicago quite often and the crime is crazy there
Yeah, but once the facts came in where he hired 2 guys to play the scam out, and the fact that no one
would have been out that late in the night (especially a MAGA person) threatening the idiot smollett.
-- Russian Collusion
-- The Inflation Reduction Act reduces inflation
-- Trump called neo-nazis "fine people"
-- Jussie Smollett
-- Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation
-- Covington kids
-- Governor Witmer kidnapping plot
-- Kavanaugh rape
-- Trump said drinking bleach would fight COVID
-- Russia bombed their own pipeline
-- Trump pee tape
-- COVID lab leak was a conspiracy theory
-- Border agents whipped migrants
-- Trump saved nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago
-- Steele Dossier
-- Russian bounties on U. S. soldiers in Afghanistan
-- Muslim travel ban
-- Andrew Cuomo showed the best COVID leadership
-- Ghost of Kyiv
-- Trump built cages for migrant kids
-- Trump overfed Koi fish in Japan
-- Build Back Better will pay for itself
-- Trump tax cuts benefitted only the rich
-- Cloth masks prevent COVID
-- If you get vaccinated you won't catch COVID
-- SUV killed parade marchers
-- Trump used teargas to clear a crowd for a bible photo
-- Don't say gay was in a bill
-- Putin price hike
-- Ivermectin is a horse dewormer and not for humans
-- Mostly peaceful protests
-- Trump overpowered secret service for wheel of "The Beast"
-- Officer Sicknick at J6 was murdered by protesters
-- January 6th was an insurrection
-- Trump mocked a reporter's disability
-- Rocket that hit Poland was launched by Russia

One can see clearly now why FOX NEWS keeps beating those other leftist hoaxed-fake stations in the ratings by a huge amount
fox "news" is for borderline retards like you
-- Russian Collusion
-- The Inflation Reduction Act reduces inflation
-- Trump called neo-nazis "fine people"
-- Jussie Smollett
-- Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation
-- Covington kids
-- Governor Witmer kidnapping plot
-- Kavanaugh rape
-- Trump said drinking bleach would fight COVID
-- Russia bombed their own pipeline
-- Trump pee tape
-- COVID lab leak was a conspiracy theory
-- Border agents whipped migrants
-- Trump saved nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago
-- Steele Dossier
-- Russian bounties on U. S. soldiers in Afghanistan
-- Muslim travel ban
-- Andrew Cuomo showed the best COVID leadership
-- Ghost of Kyiv
-- Trump built cages for migrant kids
-- Trump overfed Koi fish in Japan
-- Build Back Better will pay for itself
-- Trump tax cuts benefitted only the rich
-- Cloth masks prevent COVID
-- If you get vaccinated you won't catch COVID
-- SUV killed parade marchers
-- Trump used teargas to clear a crowd for a bible photo
-- Don't say gay was in a bill
-- Putin price hike
-- Ivermectin is a horse dewormer and not for humans
-- Mostly peaceful protests
-- Trump overpowered secret service for wheel of "The Beast"
-- Officer Sicknick at J6 was murdered by protesters
-- January 6th was an insurrection
-- Trump mocked a reporter's disability
-- Rocket that hit Poland was launched by Russia

One can see clearly now why FOX NEWS keeps beating those other leftist hoaxed-fake stations in the ratings by a huge amount
It's a great list and it reveals the incompetence of leftists to "get trump" and now they are so mad they just ea t to "kill trump".
Just to be clear, I didn't fall for any of those leftist hoaxes, and I'll continue to expose them as they arise.
Dummycrats must be so proud to support the lamestreet media's lies and hoaxes.
Here are your fucking Russian manipulated idiots saying Russia interference isnt real

You assholes dont accept facts

You instead believe right wing News that is constantly caught in lies

We were lied into war with Iraq by these stations

And you still can’t accept TRUTHS
-- Russian Collusion
-- The Inflation Reduction Act reduces inflation
-- Trump called neo-nazis "fine people"
-- Jussie Smollett
-- Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation
-- Covington kids
-- Governor Witmer kidnapping plot
-- Kavanaugh rape
-- Trump said drinking bleach would fight COVID
-- Russia bombed their own pipeline
-- Trump pee tape
-- COVID lab leak was a conspiracy theory
-- Border agents whipped migrants
-- Trump saved nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago
-- Steele Dossier
-- Russian bounties on U. S. soldiers in Afghanistan
-- Muslim travel ban
-- Andrew Cuomo showed the best COVID leadership
-- Ghost of Kyiv
-- Trump built cages for migrant kids
-- Trump overfed Koi fish in Japan
-- Build Back Better will pay for itself
-- Trump tax cuts benefitted only the rich
-- Cloth masks prevent COVID
-- If you get vaccinated you won't catch COVID
-- SUV killed parade marchers
-- Trump used teargas to clear a crowd for a bible photo
-- Don't say gay was in a bill
-- Putin price hike
-- Ivermectin is a horse dewormer and not for humans
-- Mostly peaceful protests
-- Trump overpowered secret service for wheel of "The Beast"
-- Officer Sicknick at J6 was murdered by protesters
-- January 6th was an insurrection
-- Trump mocked a reporter's disability
-- Rocket that hit Poland was launched by Russia

One can see clearly now why FOX NEWS keeps beating those other leftist hoaxed-fake stations in the ratings by a huge amount
Right wing media keeps Losing MILLIONS in court for their PROVEN lies you shit bag russian whore
So you hate the FBI?
Yeah, I hate the feckless leaders of the FBI. Doesn't everyone, including you radical lefties that have watched the FBI
protect the Hildebeast, silence Hunter's laptop, arrest peaceful parents for verbally going after teachers' for their
teaching of sex and CRT to their children, and go after many top Republicans (including Trump) with weapons drawn,
and arrest Christian people for praying outside their churches, and or peacefully protesting against the left's institutions
that carry out the abortion/murder of the unborn etc.
-- Russian Collusion
-- The Inflation Reduction Act reduces inflation
-- Trump called neo-nazis "fine people"
-- Jussie Smollett
-- Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation
-- Covington kids
-- Governor Witmer kidnapping plot
-- Kavanaugh rape
-- Trump said drinking bleach would fight COVID
-- Russia bombed their own pipeline
-- Trump pee tape
-- COVID lab leak was a conspiracy theory
-- Border agents whipped migrants
-- Trump saved nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago
-- Steele Dossier
-- Russian bounties on U. S. soldiers in Afghanistan
-- Muslim travel ban
-- Andrew Cuomo showed the best COVID leadership
-- Ghost of Kyiv
-- Trump built cages for migrant kids
-- Trump overfed Koi fish in Japan
-- Build Back Better will pay for itself
-- Trump tax cuts benefitted only the rich
-- Cloth masks prevent COVID
-- If you get vaccinated you won't catch COVID
-- SUV killed parade marchers
-- Trump used teargas to clear a crowd for a bible photo
-- Don't say gay was in a bill
-- Putin price hike
-- Ivermectin is a horse dewormer and not for humans
-- Mostly peaceful protests
-- Trump overpowered secret service for wheel of "The Beast"
-- Officer Sicknick at J6 was murdered by protesters
-- January 6th was an insurrection
-- Trump mocked a reporter's disability
-- Rocket that hit Poland was launched by Russia

One can see clearly now why FOX NEWS keeps beating those other leftist hoaxed-fake stations in the ratings by a huge amount
Fox paid almost a billion because their station was telling lies as policy. The on-air talking heads knew they were lying. Management was doing it deliberately. But lying was their job. Many lost their jobs. But they were fooling low information not bright people like you. You believed every lie and still do.
Fox is still involved in an even bigger suit from Smartmatic. They cannot win that one either because the evidence was on the air.
Who believes those lies? You do, every damn one of them.