How Many of You Are There?

there are 231 of me in there. Poor Army, I did not realize they were in such bad shape.

that does help to explain how I was charged with AWOL 6 months after being discharged though :)
I suspect this site is far from complete.

My daughter doesn't show up which is understandable since she is only over a year old. However the name we gave her while extremely uncommon I highly doubt is unique.
If you click on "What does this mean?" They specifically tell you that names that were very infrequent were not added to their database...

I had to use my middle name as it said that nobody in the US had my first name.
There's only one of me baby! I can get that certified by exes if you'd like.

I have some who will swear to it in a court of law, and in fact, are looking to get me into a courtroom.
there is only 1 of me too... my first and last combined....thanks to my hubby, who's surname i took! :)
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Zero ... first and last dont show up ....., its the beyonder thing ...those who dont show up are beyonders...not of this world.. . ;)
My first name = unique

Pretty sure that is true. I've never heard of anyone else with the same name as me.

Last name = 3,017,684 LOL
The only list that really counts today is "the no fly list." Perform a public service. Post a copy of that so we can see if our name shows up there.