how many people did you make out w/ on new years eve?

Lady T, some guy told me that i was the best looking guy in the whole club...

:clink: :clink:

Sweet! What club did you go to? We all had a low key NYE: Hibachi with friends, a few games, toasted the NY and carefully drove home.
Actually I was and still am kind of sick, so I was the DD for the night. I literally only had three sips of champagne :( but somehow the next day I was completely $hitfaced. Go figure. But, my boyfriend had a few and he was very tipsy!
i was wrecked... it was raining when we left the club we went to spalsh btw, and it was pouring at 3ish when we left and we couldn't get a cab b/c everyone else was trying to get one and we got soaked we had to walk what felt like miles to a subway to take the 6 to grand central.... it was nuts.
i was wrecked... it was raining when we left the club we went to spalsh btw, and it was pouring at 3ish when we left and we couldn't get a cab b/c everyone else was trying to get one and we got soaked we had to walk what felt like miles to a subway to take the 6 to grand central.... it was nuts.

Did you go back to CT or did you stay in the city?