How many people will the right murder

The Revolution is having so much trouble fermenting Right wing violence, I am pretty sure that they are shocked that this is so hard to get done, having it is an integral part of the plan.
The Revolution is having so much trouble fermenting Right wing violence, I am pretty sure that they are shocked that this is so hard to get done, having it is an integral part of the plan.

Foment, not ferment.


A lot of options within the system are still open.
“When can we use our guns”

“How many elections will they steal before we can start killing these people”

The young man is dreaming of murdering people for the lies of fox news
The Revolution is having so much trouble fermenting Right wing violence, I am pretty sure that they are shocked that this is so hard to get done, having it is an integral part of the plan.

We are practicing Democracy

That is not an enticement for you to kill people you insane pile of squishy shit
Tucker Carlson and fox are about to broadcast a call to kill on fox “news”

They are going to get lots of people to try and murder their fellow Americans

If you have a right wing brain melted person in your family


they will be willing to kill you and your children
I guess you should not venture outside...ever again....
If you are truly this terrified.... There won't be any violence...but you're playing right into the game he's talking about....Right now its Democrats who want to use force against Americans, btw...Federal force...