How Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy Has Been Distorted To Insulate White Supremacy

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Some scholars argue that white America has retold the story of Dr. King, depicting him as a Black Gandhi, who conceptualized racism in America through only one lens – patience and compassion for the perpetrators of racial prejudice and white supremacist culture. In other words, Dr. King’s predominantly nonviolent stance has been distorted and does not accurately portray his varied perspectives, as they evolved, about racism and protests. This was done to shape the current views of future Black protests and social movements and ultimately condemn, police, and pathologize reactions to racism that are not rooted in love and compassion for the very people who enact or support racism and white supremacy in America.

Which ultimately allows racists to feel better about being racist, some whites to feel more comfortable unapologetically wallowing in their racial privilege, and outwardly condemns any responses to experiences with racism that do not reflect patience and kindness. One such example comes from a 2006 article, "Martin Luther King’s Conservative Legacy,” published in The Heritage Foundation. In it, the writer, Carolyn Garris, reveres Dr. King but minimizes his teaching to “not change laws, but to change people, to make neighbors of enemies and a nation out of divided races. King led with love, not racial hatred.” What Garris and many others misinterpret in King’s emphasis on love is that he believed love would change people and inspire them to dismantle unjust laws and systems of oppression. Although far from Malcolm X, Dr. King actively believed in and supported abolitionist movements.
Some scholars argue that white America has retold the story of Dr. King, depicting him as a Black Gandhi, who conceptualized racism in America through only one lens – patience and compassion for the perpetrators of racial prejudice and white supremacist culture. In other words, Dr. King’s predominantly nonviolent stance has been distorted and does not accurately portray his varied perspectives, as they evolved, about racism and protests. This was done to shape the current views of future Black protests and social movements and ultimately condemn, police, and pathologize reactions to racism that are not rooted in love and compassion for the very people who enact or support racism and white supremacy in America.

Which ultimately allows racists to feel better about being racist, some whites to feel more comfortable unapologetically wallowing in their racial privilege, and outwardly condemns any responses to experiences with racism that do not reflect patience and kindness. One such example comes from a 2006 article, "Martin Luther King’s Conservative Legacy,” published in The Heritage Foundation. In it, the writer, Carolyn Garris, reveres Dr. King but minimizes his teaching to “not change laws, but to change people, to make neighbors of enemies and a nation out of divided races. King led with love, not racial hatred.” What Garris and many others misinterpret in King’s emphasis on love is that he believed love would change people and inspire them to dismantle unjust laws and systems of oppression. Although far from Malcolm X, Dr. King actively believed in and supported abolitionist movements.

Apparently MLK said he hoped his kid would be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin. As i look at the character of some black people in America today its clear their character isnt getting the judgment it deserves.
Apparently MLK said he hoped his kid would be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin. As i look at the character of some black people in America today its clear their character isnt getting the judgment it deserves.

Oh one of limited IQ

King’s emphasis on love is that he believed love would change people and inspire them to dismantle unjust laws and systems of oppression.

“It is an unhappy truth that racism is a way of life for the vast majority of white Americans, spoken and unspoken, acknowledged and denied, subtle and sometimes not so subtle — the disease of racism permeates and poisons a whole body politic.”
During that same sermon, King observed that the same people who have benefitted from the inequitable treatment of Blacks are the “very people who tell Negroes that they must lift themselves by their own bootstraps. It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is a cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.”

Even King’s perspective about violence in protests began to shift during the latter part of his life. Toward the mid-1960s, young Black civil rights leaders were emerging, and many of them did not take the same nonviolent stance as Dr. King. Most did not encourage or seek violence, but they did not shy away from expressing frustrations over their exposure to racial violence, living in an inequitable system, and the lack of progress made toward meaningful change for Blacks. During this time, King had also begun to examine and speak out against global affairs — vehemently denouncing the Vietnam War and focusing more on economic justice.
Oh one of limited IQ

King’s emphasis on love is that he believed love would change people and inspire them to dismantle unjust laws and systems of oppression.

“It is an unhappy truth that racism is a way of life for the vast majority of white Americans, spoken and unspoken, acknowledged and denied, subtle and sometimes not so subtle — the disease of racism permeates and poisons a whole body politic.”

Have you ever noticed, I doubt you have because you're an idiot, that every "real" discussion about race that supposedly has to happen NEVER includes a segment about the behavior of blacks?
Apparently MLK said he hoped his kid would be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin. As i look at the character of some black people in America today its clear their character isnt getting the judgment it deserves.

Conservative White washing of Dr king

Distortion of Martin Luther King Jr.‘s words enables more racial division within American society

U.S. Rep. Chip Roy of Texas is just the latest conservative lawmaker to misuse the words of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. to judge a person on character and not race.

The misuses of King are not accidental.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, a sanitized version of King was part of a conservative political strategy for swaying white moderates to support President Ronald Reagan’s reelection by making King’s birthday a national holiday.

Even after Reagan finally signed the King holiday into law in 1983, he would write letters of assurance to angry political allies that only a selective version of King would be commemorated.
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During that same sermon, King observed that the same people who have benefitted from the inequitable treatment of Blacks are the “very people who tell Negroes that they must lift themselves by their own bootstraps. It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is a cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.”

Even King’s perspective about violence in protests began to shift during the latter part of his life. Toward the mid-1960s, young Black civil rights leaders were emerging, and many of them did not take the same nonviolent stance as Dr. King. Most did not encourage or seek violence, but they did not shy away from expressing frustrations over their exposure to racial violence, living in an inequitable system, and the lack of progress made toward meaningful change for Blacks. During this time, King had also begun to examine and speak out against global affairs — vehemently denouncing the Vietnam War and focusing more on economic justice.

In Their 400 Years in America, Blacks Have Never Been Treated Worse Than They Deserved
Apparently MLK said he hoped his kid would be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin. As i look at the character of some black people in America today its clear their character isnt getting the judgment it deserves.

Went we look at your mentality, it's obvious that it is seriously deficient
You have never have been the sharpest knife in the drawer, have you??????????????
White People Built America. America Is for Whites Only.

If I called you "a Progressive," I assume you would answer, "So what if I am? There's nothing intrinsically wrong with Progressivism." Until your weak and compromised opponents man up and answer being called "a racist" the same way, your side will continue winning.

So what if I am a racist? There's nothing intrinsically wrong with racism.
Conservative White washing of Dr king

Distortion of Martin Luther King Jr.‘s words enables more racial division within American society

U.S. Rep. Chip Roy of Texas is just the latest conservative lawmaker to misuse the words of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. to judge a person on character and not race.

The misuses of King are not accidental.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, a sanitized version of King was part of a conservative political strategy for swaying white moderates to support President Ronald Reagan’s reelection by making King’s birthday a national holiday.

Even after Reagan finally signed the King holiday into law in 1983, he would write letters of assurance to angry political allies that only a selective version of King would be commemorated.

The man said it and you hate him for it. The discussion is NEVER about how blacks behave. They aren't innocent victims of a rigged society.
Some scholars argue that white America has retold the story of Dr. King, depicting him as a Black Gandhi, who conceptualized racism in America through only one lens – patience and compassion for the perpetrators of racial prejudice and white supremacist culture. In other words, Dr. King’s predominantly nonviolent stance has been distorted and does not accurately portray his varied perspectives, as they evolved, about racism and protests. This was done to shape the current views of future Black protests and social movements and ultimately condemn, police, and pathologize reactions to racism that are not rooted in love and compassion for the very people who enact or support racism and white supremacy in America.

Which ultimately allows racists to feel better about being racist, some whites to feel more comfortable unapologetically wallowing in their racial privilege, and outwardly condemns any responses to experiences with racism that do not reflect patience and kindness. One such example comes from a 2006 article, "Martin Luther King’s Conservative Legacy,” published in The Heritage Foundation. In it, the writer, Carolyn Garris, reveres Dr. King but minimizes his teaching to “not change laws, but to change people, to make neighbors of enemies and a nation out of divided races. King led with love, not racial hatred.” What Garris and many others misinterpret in King’s emphasis on love is that he believed love would change people and inspire them to dismantle unjust laws and systems of oppression. Although far from Malcolm X, Dr. King actively believed in and supported abolitionist movements.

I always felt that MLK knew that being a firebrand like Malcolm X would just push away the very people he needed the most to win over -- white mainstream Christians. In truth we needed both to change our society to one with more equality.
he is in the running for most bigoted and hateful though.

There's some stiff competition for that trophy here. There's even one who thinks that quoting MLK and lying about attending MLK events will erase the racism that it has exhibited for years, via racist jokes, posting in Ebonics, thanking posts with the n-word, and gleefully attacking black celebrities but ignoring white ones accused of the same things.
MLK's views on capitalism, the Vietnam War, the Goldwater Republicans were pretty radical and would probably shock MAGAs if they actually read them.
There's some stiff competition for that trophy here. There's even one who thinks that quoting MLK and lying about attending MLK events will erase the racism that it has exhibited for years, via racist jokes, posting in Ebonics, thanking posts with the n-word, and gleefully attacking black celebrities but ignoring white ones accused of the same things.

When the arrow hits the bulls-eye... :rofl2:
