How Miserable Are We Supposed to Be?


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By Huw Green. Dr. Green is a clinical psychologist.

When I ask myself some version of “Are these people more miserable than they’re supposed to be?” my clinical judgment comes to resemble something more commonplace than a medical diagnosis. Not detached from the standards set by my professional peers but now more grounded in practical considerations about the intelligibility of a person’s feelings, rather than abstract technical notions of pathology and treatability.

The value of this reframing is that it has a sort of democratizing power. It gives more weight to people’s priorities and their life contexts alongside the definitions created to guide expert diagnosis. I am not deciding that they are depressed; we are deciding together, alongside the community at large, that the misery has become too much to bear.
By Huw Green. Dr. Green is a clinical psychologist.

When I ask myself some version of “Are these people more miserable than they’re supposed to be?” my clinical judgment comes to resemble something more commonplace than a medical diagnosis. Not detached from the standards set by my professional peers but now more grounded in practical considerations about the intelligibility of a person’s feelings, rather than abstract technical notions of pathology and treatability.

The value of this reframing is that it has a sort of democratizing power. It gives more weight to people’s priorities and their life contexts alongside the definitions created to guide expert diagnosis. I am not deciding that they are depressed; we are deciding together, alongside the community at large, that the misery has become too much to bear.

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