How much are we making

It would be cooler if I could make some real deneg from the site.... :D

Nah, basically with the donations and with the ads I pay for the software license and the server. It basically makes it so that the site pays for itself. I like that, I get to have cool conversations with political addicts like myself and all it costs me was the first outlay and some time to upgrade on occasion and to nudge the server company to keep the site going when something hits the fan.
It would be cooler if I could make some real deneg from the site.... :D

Nah, basically with the donations and with the ads I pay for the software license and the server. It basically makes it so that the site pays for itself. I like that, I get to have cool conversations with political addicts like myself and all it costs me was the first outlay and some time to upgrade on occasion and to nudge the server company to keep the site going when something hits the fan.

Not to mention you get to watch the few Conservatives try to deal with the true lefties without getting slaughtered, without having to fork over more than a buck or two. All is well.
Not to mention you get to watch the few Conservatives try to deal with the true lefties without getting slaughtered, without having to fork over more than a buck or two. All is well.
And the few conservatives get to watch me do the same.
lol what??? Beefy you aren't getting paid? Damo is forking over a grand a month just to me alone. Maybe you shouldn't have officially stepped down from moderator duties.
lol what??? Beefy you aren't getting paid? Damo is forking over a grand a month just to me alone. Maybe you shouldn't have officially stepped down from moderator duties.

You are getting a grand? Sorry, your time to die. Where the hell are you?
The current ad is a dating site. I may put back up just the text ads again. It depends on how annoyed by it I get.
So you find the "Obama: Good or Evil? Competent or No? Did He Buy the Election? Is He Black or Half-Black?" ads to be amusing, do you?

Yes I do.

I view advertisements and rhetoric from a different perspective than most do.
If all or even most viewed advertisements as I do the industry would fold.
I must admit I logged onto this site from school without adblock, saw the graphical ads, and immediately became disgusted at your selling out.

How much more revenue do flashads generate? They are the parasites of the internet!
I must admit I logged onto this site from school without adblock, saw the graphical ads, and immediately became disgusted at your selling out.

How much more revenue do flashads generate? They are the parasites of the internet!
I really don't know. I can change them to text only at any moment. However some of the sites are interesting and some people have been clicking. However they are annoying and I'll likely get sick of them rather quickly. The other ads had more salient sites too.