How Much For That Baby In The Window?


Junior Member
I was going to make a statement about rich libs buying babies overseas when they could adopt here but then I saw this......

>>Babies have become Africa's fastest-growing export. It has an estimated 43 million orphans, largely as a result of Aids.

The number of foreign adoption agencies in Africa have trebled in recent years as they capitalise on the demand from rich European and American families who are willing to provide homes and finance the substantial costs of cross-border adoptions. Madonna is set to release a video showing her adoption of the baby in a bid to raise money for charity.
Well, its a good thing liberals are stepping up to the plate and taking these kids in after they've been born. Conservatives don't give two $hits once they have been born.

Actually I've been toying with the idea of eventually adopting older children from Darfur. People seem to only want to take in the younger ones.
I don't believe that they are all "libs" adopting these babies. I think many of the Focus on the Family crowd do it to save their souls as well as their lives.
Why do adopting foreign babies attract more "customers" ? Or is it just the media attention. My point is that we have plenty of children here that need homes.
Is Madonna saving a soul?
She isn't a Focus on the Family type, is she? What is your point, tobes? I suggested that many of these adoptions are from Christian Conservatives and even gave the reason why. My mother listens to this stuff on the radio I even hear them talking about how "blessed" they are after the adoptions.
Taking a black child out of thier village and culture and taking it to the US or the EU is a good thing? What about the paradise of Africa?
Dam the article I linked was about Madonna. I don't know about the Focus on the Family. I clearly stated my point that I find it bothersome that white people are buying black and asian children.
Dam the article I linked was about Madonna. I don't know about the Focus on the Family. I clearly stated my point that I find it bothersome that white people are buying black and asian children.
Right, and I continued with the give and take. It is a conversation. One poster suggested that it was all good that "libs" were saving these kids. I gave a suggestion that they may be a bit off on the idea that it is all "libs". You then asked if Madonna was "saving souls" in answer to my post. Stay on topic, it is your thread.
Taking a black child out of thier village and culture and taking it to the US or the EU is a good thing? What about the paradise of Africa?
It sure is when the kids alternative is to be killed or starve.