How much is your area housing worth

around here just a bit more than it was worth 5 years ago. In the metro areas now is another story.

but do not move here, it sucks!!!!
Im sure its beautiful but I just could nto live that far from the pacific coast. Its in my blood.
yeah the pacific NW coast was beautiful. Water was danged cold though.

I sort of prefer freshwater lakes for playing in. Nothing in there wants to kill you.
There are so many sweet little beach towns in southern cali that people dont know about unless they live near by.

Luecadia to mention one, go look at it.
I dunno desh I find watching the ocean slobber on the beach pretty boring.

Now some of the 2 legged scenery is moi nice.
It is the most soul soothing thing I know of. Walking on the beach in the morning when its just getting light.

Oh man there is no better way to start a day. On the west coast you can go out to watch for the green flash every setting of the sun. You walk out and look at the sun dive into the water and there is always this group of people who are there too. for ten minutes you are all treasure hunters waiting to see the flash of jade as the day says "Im done". There is a hush and then everyone rates the flash or laments the fact that this day closed without one.
Lets see. purchased in 2002 for 260.. peaked to 500.. down to 380-400 now.

2002 +6% = 275
2003 + 6% = 292
2004 + 6% = 309
2005 + 6% = 328
2006 + 6% = 347
2007 + 6% = 368
2008 + 6% = 390

Looks like my area has corrected off the bubble.
Yep now just have to deal with the rest of the economic problems.
The housing bubble may well turn out to be the least of our worries.
Yep now just have to deal with the rest of the economic problems.
The housing bubble may well turn out to be the least of our worries.

Just have to be prudent. im not in any way shape or form paranoid.

I live near 5 commutable cities plus all the outskirts, have an MBA and a large bandwidth on my resume.

House: when times were great i payed a shit load towards principal and only owe about 175know. i can easily refinance out if necessary. Locked in at 5% and have 10.5 years left on the mortgage.

I worked at fidelity for 8years out of college. i put away 20-25% per year during that entire time and the 5 years since about 10% and i know how to invest. Additionally I have a nice little emergency fund.

Yes i have student loans at 3%.. i financed them out as long as i possible could and its not to bad. I have a $235 a month Toyota payment and another car i own outright.
I have no credit cards.

Yes its out pacing income but we have to deal with it.. I burn wood for $800 a year versus spending 4000 on oil. Electricity is about $175 a month now instead of $100 and food bill is about $1000 a month instead of $700 and the oil tanks cost 1200 to fill up instead of $600 tho i only need about 2 when burning wood instead of 6.

I guess i have to cancel all of 1 vacation this year.

I do feel bad for people who dont have the skills or ability to plan shit out and be responsible. I dont feel bad for people that are lazy or reckless with spending during good times and now feeling the heat.
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I was not speaking of you in particular Chap. Just in generalities about our countries future.

You are planning smart and I agree with you points. I think we just differ in our levels of optimism/pessimism on the future economic outlook.