Yep now just have to deal with the rest of the economic problems.
The housing bubble may well turn out to be the least of our worries.
Just have to be prudent. im not in any way shape or form paranoid.
I live near 5 commutable cities plus all the outskirts, have an MBA and a large bandwidth on my resume.
House: when times were great i payed a shit load towards principal and only owe about 175know. i can easily refinance out if necessary. Locked in at 5% and have 10.5 years left on the mortgage.
I worked at fidelity for 8years out of college. i put away 20-25% per year during that entire time and the 5 years since about 10% and i know how to invest. Additionally I have a nice little emergency fund.
Yes i have student loans at 3%.. i financed them out as long as i possible could and its not to bad. I have a $235 a month Toyota payment and another car i own outright.
I have no credit cards.
Yes its out pacing income but we have to deal with it.. I burn wood for $800 a year versus spending 4000 on oil. Electricity is about $175 a month now instead of $100 and food bill is about $1000 a month instead of $700 and the oil tanks cost 1200 to fill up instead of $600 tho i only need about 2 when burning wood instead of 6.
I guess i have to cancel all of 1 vacation this year.
I do feel bad for people who dont have the skills or ability to plan shit out and be responsible. I dont feel bad for people that are lazy or reckless with spending during good times and now feeling the heat.