How much SOTU points bounce for GWB ?


Villified User
I believe that presidents approval ratings tend to jump a bit after the SOTU speech. How much do you think bush's will jump and last how long.
I think this will tell quite a bit about how people really feel about GWB.

also possibly I suppose a couple of other factors figure in. How much people are controled by the "tube". And how stupid people really are ;)
I was talking about the various things I have read about the public's reaction to the speech. You're right, at different points democrats as well as republicans were clapping but didn't have their hearts in it.
Ohh, sorry,
Yes the public's reaction is what this thread is all about. How they react will tell us a lot about both the public and what they think of Bush and his credibility.
Well, today's CNN poll shows 37% positive and 63% negative responses to the speech. Those polls are pretty limited (only those who visit the site, and of those, who responded to the question); it will be interesting to see how closely this may reflect a wider sampling.
Yeah the speech went well, but the point is how will this reflect on his approval ratings and for how long ?
I think several more items will come out during the next two years, like spendthrift Bush, corrupt Bush, a bush and rove affair, etc...
But then I could be wrong.