How much U care that the crazy runs strong with Britney?


ButterMilk Man
Me: Almost not at all now, because she and her team (Who I believe have almost all quit now, because she is such an unappreciative bitch) have left me so much really good art that if she does not a single nother good thing I am more than fine.

What Say U?
This has been heavy on my rotation for about two years now....I still dont know why I like it so much.

EDIT: Yes I do....this is real...this is about how humans are....this is not pretend.....which has become rare because we are now so very fucked.

Buckle Up.
Me: Almost not at all now, because she and her team (Who I believe have almost all quit now, because she is such an unappreciative bitch) have left me so much really good art that if she does not a single nother good thing I am more than fine.

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She's been played and used for years, likely enough to make most justifiably bitchy. She can still turn it around though ... for herself.
She's been played and used for years, likely enough to make most justifiably bitchy. She can still turn it around though ... for herself.

She is wealthy and well accomplished in spite of her so-so talent because she has worked hard and because she has had a great team that has looked after her, her brand, and her career.

And she decided to shit all over them, accuse them of abuse, which is so trendy but.....
Me: Almost not at all now, because she and her team (Who I believe have almost all quit now, because she is such an unappreciative bitch) have left me so much really good art that if she does not a single nother good thing I am more than fine.

What Say U?

I kinda like to watch her dance and sing , she reminds me a bit of a gl i knew in another state. I hate to hear of anyone who has such obvious mental issues and I do think her father took advantage of her money wise .
She needs some help its obvious but do I really care about her no no more then another stranger
I kinda like to watch her dance and sing , she reminds me a bit of a gl i knew in another state. I hate to hear of anyone who has such obvious mental issues and I do think her father took advantage of her money wise .
She needs some help its obvious but do I really care about her no no more then another stranger

SHe used to understand that she needs help, and appreciate the help when she got it, but this cultural pull to be a victim (or at least play one for the audience) is so bloody strong.
:hitit: on the dl..
Do not ever want to hear her "music", as I like music and want things to stay that way.

Britney songs are an exercise in stupidity. Cannot stand. No.
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The melt down continues, largely predicted by me.

There was a good reason the family was looking after her, but all she sees is abuse.
Britney has major problems.

Disney and the music business done chewed her up and spit her out.

Just about like they did Judy Garland but much less talent and blonde.

Music business did the same thing to both of them.
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Britney has major problems.

Disney and the music business done chewed her up and spit her out.

Just about like they did Judy Garland but much less talent and blonde.

Music business did the same thing to both of them.

She has been royalty and pampered since she was a teenager.

Her problems are of her own making, the crazy is strong with Britney, and its getting worse again.
Her stupid fans don't help, they just can't see that her father was right about her. Can you imagine what an offspring of hers would turn out like?

Seems like they're slowly getting to "Maybe her family had a point, maybe Britneys head is a mess". Dont forget that she trashed her whole music team as well, insinuated at least that they are abusers too....after they did so much for her....worked so hard for her.......drove her stunningly successful career.

And all she does is shit on them.

It makes an impression.
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