How on earth did Hillary lose?

Hillary was up by 8 points before the Comey speech about emails, which turned out to be false. Comey was rewarded by being canned. Election not rigged in her favor.
Hillary was the worse candidate the Democrats could run,past her prime older by a bit than the man she was replacing.Plenty of baggage, poor campaigner.
Her chance to be President was to run against Bush in his second term!That was her real chance to win.
Hillary was up by 8 points before the Comey speech about emails, which turned out to be false. Comey was rewarded by being canned. Election not rigged in her favor.

Strangest election ever.
One of only two election nights I'll always remember.
The other was when all the networks called the election for Reagan in 1980 even before voting ended in CST .
Just before election day the polls had that election as a toss up.
All the news networks showed every minute of Trump rallies. He got billions in free TV. Hillary's rallies were not shown often, nor was the whole rally shown. His craziness was good ratings TV. MSNBC and CNN are much to blame for TRump being in office. When Trump castigated and threatened the press at his rallies, they should have packed up and gone home.
Hillary was up by 8 points before the Comey speech about emails, which turned out to be false. Comey was rewarded by being canned. Election not rigged in her favor.

Hillary was also able to track Trump's every move and conversation, which should have given her a huge advantage.
the extradition of this Russian hacker for writing a computer virus to steal the election for Russia just happened idiot
All the news networks showed every minute of Trump rallies. He got billions in free TV. Hillary's rallies were not shown often, nor was the whole rally shown. His craziness was good ratings TV. MSNBC and CNN are much to blame for TRump being in office. When Trump castigated and threatened the press at his rallies, they should have packed up and gone home.

The election was rigged in her favor, which makes her loss incredibly pathetic
Levashov's arrest drew immediate attention after his wife told Russia's RT broadcaster he was linked to America's 2016 election hacking.
RT quoted Maria Levashova as saying armed police stormed into their apartment in Barcelona overnight, keeping her and her friend locked in a room for two hours while they quizzed Levashov. She said that when she spoke with her husband on the phone from the police station, he told her he was told he had created a computer virus that was "linked to Trump's election win."
The election was rigged in her favor, which makes her loss incredibly pathetic

Yep, election rigged in Trumps favor. That is why it is disgusting. Trump was a terrible candidate and a horrible president. But nearly half the people voted for him.

The Republicans used our tax money to beat Hillary. She was investigated back when Bill was president. She was investigated 8 times for Benghazi. Then 5 more for the emails. Found innocent. But the Repubs kept pounding, knowing that people woulds think, if she did nothing, why is she in front of Commissions so often? It worked. Low information people bought the feeling.