How Political Correctness impedes thought processes

Matt Dillon

Semolina comes from wheat
It's no secret that the education system is no longer training children to think for themselves, but to memorize certain things and react certain to stimuli. This is not going on everywhere, but it goes on enough that it is concerning. Political Correctness has infected the education system, and it shuts off whole areas of discussion by design.

"Political correctness is basically mind hacking. It is a form of propaganda that induces self-censorship in order to send politically incorrect ideas into a spiral of silence. After observing the social hostility to your politically incorrect opinion you are supposed to start thinking of yourself as the crazy aunt locked up in the attic. So your only hope for relief is to “come out” and support the PC line. "

"Voila! You don’t need to do the hard work of thinking anymore. Instead, PC conditions your brain to respond to the good feeling of being praised, and to reject the bad feeling of being socially punished for saying the “wrong” thing. That’s your brain on PC."

This is why people use "fact-checkers" nowadays, because it gives them a warm, fuzzy confirmation bias feeling. Also they have not been taught to take in information and make a decision for themselves a la Socrates.

"In essence, political correctness is designed to force one view of reality and promote psychological isolation in anyone who adopts a different view. "

"You may ask: “Why turn students into such ‘snowflakes?’” Well, for those with power-consolidating agendas, this type of mind hacking short-circuits independent thought, turning the subjects into deployable agents. (This is how cults operate, by the way.) With their brains fried and fearful, unable to accept a different point of view, the recruits can be used as drones and street agitators. They’ve internalized the message that their very survival depends upon obedience to the sorcerers of political correctness."

"Students whose minds have been indoctrinated with political correctness are no doubt expected to serve as warm bodies to prop up the illusion of mass mobilization that might bring down the newly elected administration. If the agitators can’t succeed through messaging, they are likely to pin their hopes on provocations against the police that would then spin stories that accuse the new administration of repression."

Yeah, they're to the "pin their hopes on provocations against the police" at this point.

"This is right out of Saul Alinsky’s how-to guide on mass manipulation. In “Rules for Radicals” Alinsky explained it is essential to personalize the opposition so that there is a human face to hate. "

In this case, that face is Trump's

"So, political correctness can do a lot of things to the brain. Blind obedience to it can hard-boil those neural connections so no other ideas can compute. When confronted with a different point of view, the signals tend to get scrambled in a process now known on college campuses as “triggering.” When that happens, the victim is increasingly led by his PC authorities into a safe space so he is out of the zone of potential conversation and friendship. In this way, he can preserve and maintain his brain’s hard-boiled PC status."

I've seen this in action. I can shut you down if I want to because I know the triggers. Sad, but true.

All hope is not lost, though.

"But seriously, our brains are not static organs. The neural connections within them can constantly change, based on the effects of stimuli to which they are exposed. In fact, our brains are not only responding constantly to our physical senses and what is in the world outside of our bodies, but they also pick up and assess cues from interactions in the more esoteric world of ideas. So if we consider the recent discovery of the brain’s changeability—its neuro-plasticity—we can learn to become more aware of the pitfalls of lazy, shallow thinking."

(and avoid them)
"In essence, political correctness is designed to force one view of reality and promote psychological isolation in anyone who adopts a different view. "

It is a cult, Political correctness is one part of the Victim Culture Cult.

I have been pointing this out for years, that and that the brainwashing that the cults do is bad for us.

I feel like Camille Paglia..."I warned you".
It is a cult, Political correctness is one part of the Victim Culture Cult.

I have been pointing this out for years, that and that the brainwashing that the cults do is bad for us.

I feel like Camille Paglia..."I warned you".

They're teaching it in some schools, though..grr!
For those interested, the teaching system that does this has a formal name and format.

It's called Critical Pedagogy. Critical Pedagogy was invented by the radical Communist, Leftist Paulo Freire, a revolutionary Communist in Brazil. It has been adopted by the radical Left in academia in the US and Europe and is widespread in colleges of education.

The central tenants of Critical Pedagogy are:

All education is political
All education is an opportunity to propagandize and indoctrinate the students.

The wiki entry gives you an introduction

The objective is to create closed-mined, radicals, who have a fervent belief in all things Leftist.

You can see how far this has gone in the US by simply searching for "social and economic justice high school" you get 156 million hits. "Social justice high school" also works.
For those interested, the teaching system that does this has a formal name and format.

It's called Critical Pedagogy. Critical Pedagogy was invented by the radical Communist, Leftist Paulo Freire, a revolutionary Communist in Brazil. It has been adopted by the radical Left in academia in the US and Europe and is widespread in colleges of education.

The central tenants of Critical Pedagogy are:

All education is political
All education is an opportunity to propagandize and indoctrinate the students.

The wiki entry gives you an introduction

The objective is to create closed-mined, radicals, who have a fervent belief in all things Leftist.

You can see how far this has gone in the US by simply searching for "social and economic justice high school" you get 156 million hits. "Social justice high school" also works.

Thank you so much! I couldn't find anything like this when I 1st learned about this phenomenon!

I'm a little older and like "Wtf is going on?!"
Thank you so much! I couldn't find anything like this when I 1st learned about this phenomenon!

I'm a little older and like "Wtf is going on?!"


Convicted domestic Terrorist William Ayres, Obama's neighbor and the guy who's living room kicked off Obama's campaign for the Senate, is a major player in Critical Pedagogy.

Consider this statement leading off an academic paper on Critical Pedagogy:

This paper argues that subversion is a necessary tool for survival and opening up of new possibilities in the context of the 21st century where neoliberalism and its extreme market-driven ideologies and institutional practices permeate and impact all social settings public and private


That's at the University of Toronto.

I got involved in demolition of Critical Pedagogy back about 2005 when the Tucson Unified School District started a program called "Raza Studies." It was based on Critical Pedagogy and run by Communists and other radical Leftists. They certainly didn't like me, or the conservative reporters I was handing off large blocks of information to.
I also got ahold of their statistical data they claimed proved the program worked and pointed out all the made up data, flawed analysis, and statistical inaccuracies that made their claims completely baseless. That helped when Arizona's attorney general had to defend a lawsuit trying to prevent the program from being shut down. It was, but the radicals running it repackaged it and restarted it as the Hispanic Studies Program. SSDD.

I researched a large number of major players in the US critical pedagogy movement like Peter McLaren at UCLA. He's a senior professor in the college of education. He's also an ardent Communist (if you go to his website it opens with a song praising Che Guevara). There are plenty of others at the heart of this movement that are the most radical Leftists you can imagine.

Convicted domestic Terrorist William Ayres, Obama's neighbor and the guy who's living room kicked off Obama's campaign for the Senate, is a major player in Critical Pedagogy.

Consider this statement leading off an academic paper on Critical Pedagogy:


That's at the University of Toronto.

I got involved in demolition of Critical Pedagogy back about 2005 when the Tucson Unified School District started a program called "Raza Studies." It was based on Critical Pedagogy and run by Communists and other radical Leftists. They certainly didn't like me, or the conservative reporters I was handing off large blocks of information to.
I also got ahold of their statistical data they claimed proved the program worked and pointed out all the made up data, flawed analysis, and statistical inaccuracies that made their claims completely baseless. That helped when Arizona's attorney general had to defend a lawsuit trying to prevent the program from being shut down. It was, but the radicals running it repackaged it and restarted it as the Hispanic Studies Program. SSDD.

I researched a large number of major players in the US critical pedagogy movement like Peter McLaren at UCLA. He's a senior professor in the college of education. He's also an ardent Communist (if you go to his website it opens with a song praising Che Guevara). There are plenty of others at the heart of this movement that are the most radical Leftists you can imagine.

Not to mention those NUTTY men on bicycles. Nutty AND showing THEIR nuts for all to see!
Political correctness would just be a term for respect if respect hasn't become a foreign concept. Due to grown-ups being unable to treat others of all types the same way they'd like to be treated it has morphed into something akin to trying to get a brat to take their medicine. At this point, it's become a trend and is getting out of hand in some areas especially in TV and Movies. Thanks a bunch for those out there so unable to not be a bastard about things that the idea of compassion is coated by restrictions of color, way of living, and belief. Thanks for creating this tug a war.
It's no secret that the education system is no longer training children to think for themselves, but to memorize certain things and react certain to stimuli. This is not going on everywhere, but it goes on enough that it is concerning. Political Correctness has infected the education system, and it shuts off whole areas of discussion by design.

"Political correctness is basically mind hacking. It is a form of propaganda that induces self-censorship in order to send politically incorrect ideas into a spiral of silence. After observing the social hostility to your politically incorrect opinion you are supposed to start thinking of yourself as the crazy aunt locked up in the attic. So your only hope for relief is to “come out” and support the PC line. "

"Voila! You don’t need to do the hard work of thinking anymore. Instead, PC conditions your brain to respond to the good feeling of being praised, and to reject the bad feeling of being socially punished for saying the “wrong” thing. That’s your brain on PC."

This is why people use "fact-checkers" nowadays, because it gives them a warm, fuzzy confirmation bias feeling. Also they have not been taught to take in information and make a decision for themselves a la Socrates.

"In essence, political correctness is designed to force one view of reality and promote psychological isolation in anyone who adopts a different view. "

"You may ask: “Why turn students into such ‘snowflakes?’” Well, for those with power-consolidating agendas, this type of mind hacking short-circuits independent thought, turning the subjects into deployable agents. (This is how cults operate, by the way.) With their brains fried and fearful, unable to accept a different point of view, the recruits can be used as drones and street agitators. They’ve internalized the message that their very survival depends upon obedience to the sorcerers of political correctness."

"Students whose minds have been indoctrinated with political correctness are no doubt expected to serve as warm bodies to prop up the illusion of mass mobilization that might bring down the newly elected administration. If the agitators can’t succeed through messaging, they are likely to pin their hopes on provocations against the police that would then spin stories that accuse the new administration of repression."

Yeah, they're to the "pin their hopes on provocations against the police" at this point.

"This is right out of Saul Alinsky’s how-to guide on mass manipulation. In “Rules for Radicals” Alinsky explained it is essential to personalize the opposition so that there is a human face to hate. "

In this case, that face is Trump's

"So, political correctness can do a lot of things to the brain. Blind obedience to it can hard-boil those neural connections so no other ideas can compute. When confronted with a different point of view, the signals tend to get scrambled in a process now known on college campuses as “triggering.” When that happens, the victim is increasingly led by his PC authorities into a safe space so he is out of the zone of potential conversation and friendship. In this way, he can preserve and maintain his brain’s hard-boiled PC status."

I've seen this in action. I can shut you down if I want to because I know the triggers. Sad, but true.

All hope is not lost, though.

"But seriously, our brains are not static organs. The neural connections within them can constantly change, based on the effects of stimuli to which they are exposed. In fact, our brains are not only responding constantly to our physical senses and what is in the world outside of our bodies, but they also pick up and assess cues from interactions in the more esoteric world of ideas. So if we consider the recent discovery of the brain’s changeability—its neuro-plasticity—we can learn to become more aware of the pitfalls of lazy, shallow thinking."

(and avoid them)

I guess our parents are mind hackers and fans of Alinsky.

It's no secret that the education system is no longer training children to think for themselves, but to memorize certain things and react certain to stimuli. This is not going on everywhere, but it goes on enough that it is concerning. Political Correctness has infected the education system, and it shuts off whole areas of discussion by design.

"Political correctness is basically mind hacking. It is a form of propaganda that induces self-censorship in order to send politically incorrect ideas into a spiral of silence. After observing the social hostility to your politically incorrect opinion you are supposed to start thinking of yourself as the crazy aunt locked up in the attic. So your only hope for relief is to “come out” and support the PC line. "

"Voila! You don’t need to do the hard work of thinking anymore. Instead, PC conditions your brain to respond to the good feeling of being praised, and to reject the bad feeling of being socially punished for saying the “wrong” thing. That’s your brain on PC."

This is why people use "fact-checkers" nowadays, because it gives them a warm, fuzzy confirmation bias feeling. Also they have not been taught to take in information and make a decision for themselves a la Socrates.

"In essence, political correctness is designed to force one view of reality and promote psychological isolation in anyone who adopts a different view. "

"You may ask: “Why turn students into such ‘snowflakes?’” Well, for those with power-consolidating agendas, this type of mind hacking short-circuits independent thought, turning the subjects into deployable agents. (This is how cults operate, by the way.) With their brains fried and fearful, unable to accept a different point of view, the recruits can be used as drones and street agitators. They’ve internalized the message that their very survival depends upon obedience to the sorcerers of political correctness."

"Students whose minds have been indoctrinated with political correctness are no doubt expected to serve as warm bodies to prop up the illusion of mass mobilization that might bring down the newly elected administration. If the agitators can’t succeed through messaging, they are likely to pin their hopes on provocations against the police that would then spin stories that accuse the new administration of repression."

Yeah, they're to the "pin their hopes on provocations against the police" at this point.

"This is right out of Saul Alinsky’s how-to guide on mass manipulation. In “Rules for Radicals” Alinsky explained it is essential to personalize the opposition so that there is a human face to hate. "

In this case, that face is Trump's

"So, political correctness can do a lot of things to the brain. Blind obedience to it can hard-boil those neural connections so no other ideas can compute. When confronted with a different point of view, the signals tend to get scrambled in a process now known on college campuses as “triggering.” When that happens, the victim is increasingly led by his PC authorities into a safe space so he is out of the zone of potential conversation and friendship. In this way, he can preserve and maintain his brain’s hard-boiled PC status."

I've seen this in action. I can shut you down if I want to because I know the triggers. Sad, but true.

All hope is not lost, though.

"But seriously, our brains are not static organs. The neural connections within them can constantly change, based on the effects of stimuli to which they are exposed. In fact, our brains are not only responding constantly to our physical senses and what is in the world outside of our bodies, but they also pick up and assess cues from interactions in the more esoteric world of ideas. So if we consider the recent discovery of the brain’s changeability—its neuro-plasticity—we can learn to become more aware of the pitfalls of lazy, shallow thinking."

(and avoid them)