How safe is your city?

Watch out Damo, rob will be after you for that statement.;)

I don't live in a city either but do live about 2 1/2 hours away from Broken Arrow, the 20th safest city according to this report.
I am suprised by how many of the most dangerous cities are smaller cities in the south!
I am suprised by how many of the most dangerous cities are smaller cities in the south!

What a lying sack of shit. Which small towns of the south asshole?
St Louis? Orlando? Memphis? Atlanta? Charleston?
They're all big you eternal dumbass.

Notice that the top 5 are all Liberal Democrat strongholds:
St Louis, Detroit, Flint (Michael Moore's leftish hometown), Compton (LA), Camden.
All places Conservative Republicans have been out of power in for decades and decades.

Just in case anyone tries the red state bullshit, St Louis is the Liberal Democrat strongohold of Missouri, Atlanta is the Liberal Democrat stronghold of Georgia and so on. Red states large cities are not much different than blue state large cities, they are still very Liberal and voting Democrat.

Is this really a surprise? Pro-welfare, soft on crime, big on regulation/taxes which chases away job-creating business and increases unemployment and hopelessness. WOW, who'd have thought such a Liberal environment would bring about high crime? DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Stupid fucking dishonest lefties.

My area is low in crime like uscitizen's and Damo's, why because it's Conservative.
The end.
Yeah, LAS VEGAS is number 4 on the most dangerous over all.
Good point. Las Vegas, the Liberal Democrat stronghold of Nevada, the rest of Nevada is more Conservative and more per every other state when comparing big inner cities to the rest.
I can't remember the last murder we had in Lincoln....

It is a pretty peaceful place now that the local football team's hooligan following have grown up and had children....
Good point. Las Vegas, the Liberal Democrat stronghold of Nevada, the rest of Nevada is more Conservative and more per every other state when comparing big inner cities to the rest.

Obviously. Its because they have the largest populations and greatest population density. It isn't related to Conservative/ Liberalism, though I guess nothing stops you trying to score cheap political points.... lol

We'll have to start calling you 'brother of toby'....
Good point. Las Vegas, the Liberal Democrat stronghold of Nevada, the rest of Nevada is more Conservative and more per every other state when comparing big inner cities to the rest.

Obviously. Its because they have the largest populations and greatest population density. It isn't related to Conservative/ Liberalism, though I guess nothing stops you trying to score cheap political points.... lol

We'll have to start calling you 'brother of toby'....
WRONG. Compton is in LA which is fairly spread out and not very dense, had you been to America you would know that.
Virginia Beach is a dense Conservative city and not on the list, Salt Lake City isn't there either.
I do admit density, or rather the higher proportion of people who don't own a home and thus have less to lose can factor in, but here again Liberalism plays a role in restricting new and more housing being built in the name of restricting urban sprawl.

These are solid political points that you cannot refute.
Danold, the republicans increasing the number of poor has nothing to do with the problem , right ?
Good point. Las Vegas, the Liberal Democrat stronghold of Nevada, the rest of Nevada is more Conservative and more per every other state when comparing big inner cities to the rest.

Dano sometimes your retarded.... more people = more crime... look at NYC, huge stronghold... liberal of liberal... low crime.... and don't say that its all the mayor of NYC, b/c they are both practically fuckin liberal.
Dano sometimes your retarded.... more people = more crime... look at NYC, huge stronghold... liberal of liberal... low crime.... and don't say that its all the mayor of NYC, b/c they are both practically fuckin liberal.
Liberal as Guillani may be on some things, he was certainly NOT Liberal when it came to be tough on crime; as well Pataki helped keep New York taxes low. Detroit or Hartford did NOT make the same improvements because they lack any Conservative element that would alleviate crime.
Danold, the republicans increasing the number of poor has nothing to do with the problem , right ?
How did Republicans increase the number of poor in inner cities that they have been out of power in for decades?
Government has only kept growing there with more and more welfare programs and social welfare spending. The result is a soaring number of Dads deserting, rampant crime and low oppurtunity for jobs which is really what pulls people out of poverty and does so with keeping their pride intact.