How sweet it is


Just returned Turd Detector to my Iggy list.
What a waste of time that dishonest Mangina is.

While I was at it, I also added Stench and the tranny, Get in the Ring.

Neither have ever made a useful post in my estimation.

On deck is PiMP who is worth reading one of a thousand times and Top who provides no value at all.

More to follow and like Politalker my new list is a one way street.
Just returned Turd Detector to my Iggy list.
What a waste of time that dishonest margins is.

While I was at it, I also added Stench and the tranny, Get in the Ring.

Neither have ever made a useful post in my estimation.

On deck is PiMP who is worth reading one of a thousand times and Top who provides no value at all.

More to follow and like Politalker my new list is a one way street.


Just returned Turd Detector to my Iggy list.
What a waste of time that dishonest Mangina is.

While I was at it, I also added Stench and the tranny, Get in the Ring.

Neither have ever made a useful post in my estimation.

On deck is PiMP who is worth reading one of a thousand times and Top who provides no value at all.

More to follow and like Politalker my new list is a one way street.

I have always maintained that racists, dunces, liars, libelers, trolls, bigots, and obsessed half wits should always be excluded from civilized conversation.

I think you will find that the exclusion of these kind of dunces will collectively raise the IQ of the posts you read, and your overall experience of the civil discourse on the forum.

Good luck!
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I have always maintained that racists, dunces, liars, libelers, trolls, bigots, and obsessed half wits should always be excluded from civilized conversation.

LIE and LAME; you have always avoided honest debate with anyone who shoves the moronic, dumb, hypocritical, race hustling stupidity you erupt with back into your smug, low IQ Fascistic face.

Fascistic low IQ dumb fucks like you conveniently label anyone who makes you look stupid as a racist or bigot. It is the cowards and low life loser way of dealing with issues. Seig Hiel!!

Update, just added IHA.

Let’s be clear cuckold boy. You can never ignore me. That cunt girlfriend of yours made these showings yet never could get enough of me. Probably made you jealous that she wanted a real man to satisfy her needs and not some old fuck with a dying ticker.

Why do leftists feel the need to make these announcements of who they are ignoring? Talk about virtue signaling.
I have always maintained that racists, dunces, liars, libelers, trolls, bigots, and obsessed half wits should always be excluded from civilized conversation.

I think you will find that the exclusion of these kind of dunces will collectively raise the IQ of the posts you read, and your overall experience of the civil discourse on the forum.

Good luck!

What about pervy stalkers who are in the phone erotica?